Spartan Experience Record News:

Success in Sweater Weather

Nov. 20, 2023

What Experiences & Categories are on your Spartan Experience Record?

Your Spartan Experience Record is all about showcasing you. What story do you want your Spartan Experience Record to tell?

Each experience on your SER fits into a designated category that aligns with the essence of your experience to truly reflect your journey at MSU. Dive into the detailed descriptions below to explore the nuances of each category and choose one that you want to add to your record over the next semester.

Category Descriptions

FAQ Highlight: How is the Spartan Experience Record different from a resume?


The Spartan Experience Record is a whole picture of you and your engagement beyond the classroom at MSU. Your resume is something you customize or shorten for certain employers or internships. The Spartan Experience Record is meant to enhance a resume or to be used to help you evaluate your experiences in order to build a stronger resume by highlighting the value in these experiences.



Scholar Sip: Dec. 6

Enjoy hot cocoa on Wednesday, December 6 between 2:00-5:00

with Spartan Experience Record and Undergraduate Research. We are excited to celebrate all of the accomplishments and learning that took place this semester. Hot chocolate will be provided along with all of the fixings! Indulge in whipped cream, marshmallows, sprinkles, candy canes, and more!

In addition, to savoring some hot cocoa, there will be representatives talking about the Spartan Experience Record and Undergraduate Research. Games will also be available - so bring your friends! The event will be held centrally on the second floor of the STEM building, across from the large, decommissioned furnace.

Stay Updated

Campus Corner: Ready for Finals Week?

The countdown to finals has begun! Final exams begin on December 11th. Below are some resources (linked) to help you get through this academic period. Your friends in the Spartan Experience Record office are cheering you on!

MSU Writing Center

MSU Math Help

Counseling & Psychiatric Services

Research Project Help

MSU Tutoring

Using the SER to Your Advantage

Want to Suggest an Experience?

Is there an experience missing from your Spartan Experience Record? You can suggest a new experience to be added to the Spartan Experience Record at any time!

Every unique experience on MSU's campus contributes to not only your own personal success but also to your fellow peers!

By suggesting a new experience, you play an integral role in enhancing the Spartan Experience Record, making it a more accurate and inclusive representation of the learning happening at MSU.

Suggestion Form
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