Every day, we provide the support, education, and research that will help everyone impacted by Parkinson's disease live life to the fullest.

Helping those Who Serve

The APDA thanks all those who served..

"One flag, one land, one heart, one hand, one Nation evermore."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

PD and Veterans

Veterans may be at an increased risk of PD because of their military service. Evidence suggests two factors that contribute to the risk of PD can be linked to military service – one is head injury and the other is specific environmental exposures. the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) created a nationwide network of centers that specialize in the clinical management of veterans with PD.

Click here to download the APDA Parkinson's Disease Information for the Veterans Community booklet.

Click here to download the Veterans fact sheet supplement

New Treatments for Parkinson's Disease

Did you know that many pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccinations and other potential new treatments for Parkinson’s disease (PD)? Each clinical trial and study that is underway is teaching us something new and important that will hopefully get us closer to a successful outcome. Click here to read more about new treatments.

Live Broadcast - Dental Challenges and PD November 21 4:30 CST

Donate Today!

American Parkinson Disease Association | Iowa Chapter

Phone: (515) 207-6296 Email: apdaiowa@apdaparkinson.org

2951 86th Street | Urbandale, Iowa 50322