Every day, we provide the support, education, and research that will help everyone impacted by Parkinson's disease live life to the fullest.

New Medication Approved for Reducing

OFF Time

Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced that their new medication Crexont®, was approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Crexont is a novel oral formulation of carbidopa-levodopa extended-release capsules. Similar to Amneal’s Rytary, it contains both immediate-release and extended-release elements in the capsule and is designed to increase the length of time that a dose of carbidopa-levodopa is effective, thereby reducing OFF time.

Click here for more information and to read the entire article.

Let's Talk About Brain Donations

One of the most fundamental ways for scientists to learn about Parkinson’s disease (PD) is by studying the brain tissue of people with this diseases. There is never too much of this extremely valuable material for research studies. While there are major strides in developing cellular and animal models to study the disease, novel findings from these model systems need to verified and access to human brain material with PD is critical.  Lack of brain samples is a roadblock for research by the scientific community.

Click here to learn more about why post-mortem brains are so important, what happens to the brain, and how to donate your brain.

Check out the September Art Sessions

September 3-Collage Making, Spirit Art Move Studio – Tearing, pushing-releasing of energy or tension into relaxation

September 17-Creaitve Aging Program, Des Moines Art Center

Creative Aging is a gallery-focused participatory program for adults 55+. It starts with a visit to the Art Center and a guided group art-viewing exercises.

These are great opportunities to meet others on the Parkinson's journey, enjoy making and viewing art, and participate in creative thinking and meaningful discussions.

Click here for more information and to register.

Donate Today!
Phone: (515) 782-4386 Email: apdaiowa@apdaparkinson.org
P.O. Box 643 | Ankeny, Iowa 50021