IAA Policy Update
April 30, 2021
During the state legislative session, the IAA sends out a bi-weekly legislative update. In these emails you'll get an update on what's going on at the State Capitol, and in Congress, as well as actions you can take to advocate for afterschool!
Federal Policy Update
Accessing the American Rescue Plan ESSER III Funds
In March, states gained access to the first two-thirds of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER III funds. In order to access the last one-third of funds, states must submit plans to the U.S. Department of Education, outlining how they plan to spend these funds. 

This required planning offers an opportunity for afterschool advocates to tell Iowa policymakers to #FundAfterschool with ARP ESSER III funds. Below, you can access the COVID-19 Before and After School Grants Program Advocacy and Media Toolkit. This toolkit will give you the resources you need to write letters and emails, make phone calls and connect with policymakers on social media. 

If you would like to read more about the ARP ESSER III funds, please click here. If you need any support or help with advocacy activities, please send an email to Emilee Harris at eharris@sppg.com.
Investing in Iowa's Child Care (IICC) Program
The Department of Human Services has announced the availability of child care funding through the Investing in Iowa’s Child Care (IICC) program - funded by Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) and administered by Child Care Resource & Referral (CCR&R). Funding is available for programs that are licensed or registered by DHS or are currently seeking licensing or registration with DHS. The three types of funding available include start-up funding for new facilities, expansion funding for existing facilities and funding for programs to meet urgent needs related to facility regulations. Applications will begin to be accepted on May 3, 2021. For further details on the program and how to apply, please click here.
State Policy Update
Helpful Links
Click here to find your legislator. You can search by address, city, district, county, or zip code.

To find bios, contact information, and photos of all the legislators, go to the Legislators page on the Iowa Legislature website. Select either "Senators" or "Representatives" on the left-side menu to see a complete list of all members, including links to their information page and district map. 

For a complete list of Senate and House committees and members, click here.

For a full list of Senate and House leadership, click here.
Provides businesses with income, franchise, monies and credits, and gross premiums tax credits for providing child care benefits to employees of the business, and including applicability date provisions.

This bill survived the second funnel. It currently sits in the Senate Ways and Means subcommittee with Dawson, Goodwin and Petersen. Has not received action since February 16.
Establishes a new graduated phase-out for families exiting the Child Care Assistance program. Families earning between 225%-235% of the federal poverty level are required to pay 33% of child care costs. Families earning between 235%-245% of the federal poverty level are required to pay 45% of child care costs. Families earning 245%-250% of the federal poverty line are required to pay 60% of child care costs.

This bill has survived the second funnel. It currently awaits a floor vote in the Senate. Placed on calendar under unfinished business on April 8.
Makes health and human services appropriations for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2021.

This bill was introduced and placed on the appropriations calendar on April 28.
Makes education appropriations for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2021.

This bill has passed the Education Appropriations Committee on April 13 and awaits action by the Senate.
** Bills assigned to Ways and Means or Appropriations are not subject to funnel guidelines.