In This Issue
Federal Policy Update
State Policy Update
IAA Action Center
Important Dates

Quick Links

February 1, 2019 

During the state legislative session, the IAA sends out a bi-weekly legislative update. In these emails you'll get an update on what's going on at the State Capitol, and in Congress, as well as actions you can take to advocate for afterschool!

We hope this communication is helpful to you!
Federal Policy Update
President Trump will deliver his State of the Union address on Tuesday, February 5th at 8:00 PM. In his speech, the president will lay out his agenda for his third year in office.  The address will be live streamed on  C-SPAN  and aired through major news networks as well. Tune in to hear what President Trump's vision is for youth and education in the nation.
State Policy Update
Helpful Links
Click  here to find your legislator.  You can search by address, city, school district, county, or zip code.

To find bios, contact information, and photos of all the legislators, go to the Legislators page on the Iowa Legislature website. Select either "Senators" or "Representatives" on the left-side menu to see a complete list of all members, including links to their information page and district map. 

For a complete list of Senate and House committees and members, click here.

For a full list of Senate and House leadership, click here.
IAA Action Center
IAA Day at the Capitol
Join the Iowa Afterschool Alliance and other afterschool advocates at the State Capitol on February 12th to meet your legislators and let them know how important afterschool is to families across Iowa.

You are welcome to bring students from your program - we'll have snacks and space for them to present a project they have worked on in your program.

When:  Tuesday, February 12th 
             2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Where:  Legislative Dining Room
House File 78 Relates to the earliest school start date. In House Education subcommittee with Fry, Brink, and Donahue. Similar bill filed in the Senate ( SF 130).

House File 98 Establishes an Iowa center for suicide prevention in the department of education and makes an appropriation. In House Education subcommittee with Mommsen, Hanusa, and Mascher. 

House Study Bill 18 Relates to school funding by modifying provisions relating to the collection of sales tax for deposit in the secure an advanced vision for education fund (SAVE). In House Education subcommittee with Dolecheck, A. Meyer, and Steckman.

Senate File 163 Relates to state child care assistance, including eligibility and waiting list guidelines and copayment requirements. Referred to Senate Human Resources committee, awaiting subcommittee assignment. Similar bills filed in the House ( HF 104 and HF 133).
Important Dates
February 5         IAA Advocacy Training Webinar
                              2 :00 pm
Join the IAA on a webinar one week before our legislative day at the Capitol for tips and tricks to meeting with your legislators.

February 12       IAA Afterschool Snack
                              2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
                              Legislative Dining Room

March 8             First Funnel
Final date for House bills to be passed out of House committees, and Senate bills out of Senate committees.

April 5               Second Funnel
Final date for Senate bills to be passed out of House committees and House bills to be passed out of Senate committees.

May 3               Target Adjournment Date
This update is a bi-weekly publication intended to share information and resources regarding legislative activities, events, and bills related to afterschool issues in Iowa. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Britney Samuelson at
or 515-237-0340.