IAA Policy Update
January 17, 2020
During the state legislative session, the IAA sends out a bi-weekly legislative update. In these emails you'll get an update on what's going on at the State Capitol, and in Congress, as well as actions you can take to advocate for afterschool!
Federal Policy Update
At the end of 2019, Congress passed a bipartisan appropriations bill that provides 21st Century Community Learning Centers with an additional $28 million for FY2020. This increase will provide quality out-of-school time programming for an additional 28,000 students across the country. The bill was signed by President Trump on December 20, 2019--bringing afterschool funding to an all-time high of $1.25 billion.
State Policy Update
Budget Process
Governor Reynolds has released her budget recommendations for the upcoming year. Included in her proposal is $95.7 million in new money for K-12 education funding and $2 million for a new Child Care Grant Program to help with the construction, renovation, or remodeling of child care facilities. You can read her budget in full  here .

You can read an in-depth analysis of her recommendations  here .
Want to know more about the budget process?  This chart  outlines the process for you.
Helpful Links
Click  here  to find your legislator. You can search by address, city, school district, county, or zip code.

To find bios, contact information, and photos of all the legislators, go to the  Legislators page  on the Iowa Legislature website. Select either " Senators " or " Representatives " on the left-side menu to see a complete list of all members, including links to their information page and district map. 

For a complete list of Senate and House committees and members, click  here .

For a full list of Senate and House leadership, click  here .
IAA Action Center
IAA Day at the Capitol
Join the Iowa Afterschool Alliance and other afterschool advocates at the State Capitol on February 12th to meet your legislators and let them know how important afterschool is to families across Iowa.

You are welcome to bring students from your program - we'll have snacks and space for them to present a project they have worked on in your program.

When : Wednesday, February 12th from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Where:  Legislative Dining Room at the Iowa State Capitol
Permits businesses' new onsite daycare facilities or businesses' expansion of existing onsite daycare facilities to qualify as projects under the high quality jobs program. Introduced and referred to House Economic Growth Committee.
Requires that public secondary and postsecondary education institutions include contact information for Your Life Iowa crisis program and the national suicide prevention line on student identification cards. Introduced and referred to Senate Education Committee.
Important Dates
January 13: First Day of Session
January 28: Advocacy Training Webinar
Join the IAA for a webinar at 10:00AM to learn about advocacy and prepare for our legislative day at the Capitol: https://meet689428149.adobeconnect.com/ia21cclcwebinars/
February 12: IAA Afterschool Snack
2:00 - 4:00PM in the Legislative Dining Room.
February 21: First Funnel
Final date for House bills to be passed out of House committees, and Senate bills out of Senate committees.
March 20: Second Funnel
Final date for Senate bills to be passed out of House committees and House bills to be passed out of Senate committees.
April 21: Target Adjournment Date