In December 2021, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) was passed by Congress and subsequently signed into law. The education sections of this law allow flexibility in funding for all educational supports, opening various pathways for afterschool and summer programs to receive assistance.
From the CRRSA funds, there are three specific sections that align nicely with the goals of afterschool and summer programs, providing a broad umbrella of funding for out-of-school-time to fit under. These funds include the Governor's Emergency Education Relief fund (GEER), the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief fund (ESSER II), and Child Care funds.
President Biden's proposed American Rescue Plan would allot $130 billion for elementary and secondary education, $5 billion for a Governor's fund that would increase educational supports for students hit the hardest and $40 billion for child care. If passed, this relief package would provide even more opportunity for afterschool and summer program funding.
Read more about the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations here.
Read more about President Biden's proposed American Rescue Plan here.
For further support and talking points to encourage local leaders to allocate funding to out-of-school-time programs, see these resources: