IAA Policy Update
January 22, 2021
During the state legislative session, the IAA sends out a bi-weekly legislative update. In these emails you'll get an update on what's going on at the State Capitol, and in Congress, as well as actions you can take to advocate for afterschool!
Federal Policy Update
In December 2021, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) was passed by Congress and subsequently signed into law. The education sections of this law allow flexibility in funding for all educational supports, opening various pathways for afterschool and summer programs to receive assistance.

From the CRRSA funds, there are three specific sections that align nicely with the goals of afterschool and summer programs, providing a broad umbrella of funding for out-of-school-time to fit under. These funds include the Governor's Emergency Education Relief fund (GEER), the Elementary and Secondary School Education Relief fund (ESSER II), and Child Care funds.

President Biden's proposed American Rescue Plan would allot $130 billion for elementary and secondary education, $5 billion for a Governor's fund that would increase educational supports for students hit the hardest and $40 billion for child care. If passed, this relief package would provide even more opportunity for afterschool and summer program funding.

Read more about the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations here.
Read more about President Biden's proposed American Rescue Plan here.

For further support and talking points to encourage local leaders to allocate funding to out-of-school-time programs, see these resources:

State Policy Update
Budget Process
Governor Reynolds has released her budget recommendations for the upcoming year. Included in her proposal is $95.7 million in new money for K-12 education funding and $28 million to address the child care crisis in Iowa. You can read her budget in full here.

You can read an in-depth analysis of her recommendations here.
Want to know more about the budget process? This chart outlines the process for you.
Helpful Links
Click here to find your legislator. You can search by address, city, school district, county, or zip code.

To find bios, contact information, and photos of all the legislators, go to the Legislators page on the Iowa Legislature website. Select either "Senators" or "Representatives" on the left-side menu to see a complete list of all members, including links to their information page and district map. 

For a complete list of Senate and House committees and members, click here.

For a full list of Senate and House leadership, click here.
IAA Action Center
IAA Afterschool Snack 2021
Join us for a card decorating party! This year, we are connecting with our legislators by mail - and what better way than with Valentine's Day cards! Coloring page postcards, postage and mailing information will be provided to all participating programs - all you have to supply is crayons/markers/pencils and your creativity!

All interested programs MUST fill out this form by January 26th, 2021 to participate. Participating programs are encouraged to attend the card decorating party via Zoom on Feb. 3rd to chat with other programs and learn more about the legislative process! Information regarding the February 3rd Zoom party will be sent out to registered programs in the coming weeks.

Contact Emilee Harris at eharris@sppg.com with any questions.
Provides businesses with income, franchise, monies and credits, and gross premiums tax credits for providing child care benefits to employees of the business, and including applicability date provisions.
Establishes Child Care Future Zones Program, which will provide financial assistance to individuals looking to open a child care facility in an area with three times as many children under the age of 5 than current child care openings.
Relates to child care reimbursement rates under the state child care assistance program.
Establishes a new graduated phase-out for families exiting the Child Care Assistance program. Families earning between 225%-235% of the federal poverty level are required to pay 33% of child care costs. Families earning between 235%-245% of the federal poverty level are required to pay 45% of child care costs. Families earning 245%-250% of the federal poverty line are required to pay 60% of child care costs.
Update to the number of children who can be in care at a child care home at one time. There must be 6 or fewer children in attendance if one child is school-age or older. There must be 7 or fewer children in attendance if two or more children are school-age. School-age children are defined as being 4-17 years of age.
Important Dates
January 11: First Day of Session
February 3: IAA Afterschool Snack
Register to decorate valentines postcards with us here.
March 3: First Funnel
Final date for House bills to be passed out of House committees, and Senate bills out of Senate committees.
April 2: Second Funnel
Final date for Senate bills to be passed out of House committees and House bills to be passed out of Senate committees.
April 30: Target Adjournment Date