In This Issue
Federal Policy Update
State Policy Update
Important Dates

Quick Links

March 15, 2019 

During the state legislative session, the IAA sends out a bi-weekly legislative update. In these emails you'll get an update on what's going on at the State Capitol, and in Congress, as well as actions you can take to advocate for afterschool!

We hope this communication is helpful to you!
Federal Policy Update
This week, President Trump released his budget proposal for FY20 that called for the total elimination of 21st Century Community Learning Centers, which would impact 1.7 million young people across the country. Also zeroed out was the Corporation for National and Community Service, the agency that provides funds for AmeriCorps, VISTA, and SeniorCorps volunteers.
The President's budget is just a suggestion, and next it goes to the House and Senate for their proposals before the two chambers come to agreement on a final appropriations bill. The IAA will be following these negotiations closely and providing updates throughout the process. For guidance on how to take action, you can visit the Afterschool Alliance's website.
State Policy Update
First Funnel
The first funnel was Friday, March 8th, and it is one of a few deadlines set in place to keep the legislative process moving. By this date, bills must be passed out of committee from their respective chamber (Ex. Senate files must be passed out of their Senate committee and House files must be passed out of their House committee) in order to continue in the legislative process. 

If bills were not passed out, they are considered "dead" and cannot be debated or voted on. Exceptions to this rule are Appropriations bills, Ways and Means bills, government oversight bills, and bills from leadership.

Helpful Links
Click  here to find your legislator.  You can search by address, city, school district, county, or zip code.

To find bios, contact information, and photos of all the legislators, go to the Legislators page on the Iowa Legislature website. Select either "Senators" or "Representatives" on the left-side menu to see a complete list of all members, including links to their information page and district map. 

For a complete list of Senate and House committees and members, click here.

For a full list of Senate and House leadership, click here.
House File 78 Relates to the earliest school start date. Did not pass out of Education Committee by funnel deadline. 

House File 98 Establishes an Iowa center for suicide prevention in the department of education and makes an appropriation. Did not pass out of Education Committee by funnel deadline. 

House Study Bill 166 Establishes an interim study committee relating to the impact of state assistance program income restriction guidelines. Passed out of House Human Resources Committee.

House Study Bill 179 Makes appropriations relating to the future ready Iowa initiative. In House Appropriations subcommittee with Grassley, Best, Hall, Kerr, and Oldson.

House Study Bill 208 Permits qualified entities to request national criminal history checks of certain covered individuals. Passed out of House Public Safety Committee.

House Study Bill 246 Appropriates federal funds made available from federal block grants. Assigned to Appropriations subcommittee with Sorensen, Deyoe, and Running-Marquardt. 

House File 274 Requires the department of education to compile reports on physical education programs in school districts. Did not pass out of Education Committee by funnel deadline. 

House File 306 Relates to public school funding by establishing the state percent of growth. Passed House on February 11 and passed Senate on February 13. Governor signed the bill into law on February 19.

House File 367 Establishes a legislative interim study committee to create a plan to provide universal learning and child care centers and programs. Did not pass out of Education Committee by funnel deadline. 

House File 492 Limits the amount of instructional time a school district must make up when inclement weather causes a school district to close.  Did not pass out of Education Committee by funnel deadline. 

House File 501 Relates to licensed and registered child care provider reimbursement rates under the state child care assistance program.  Did not pass out of Human Resources Committee by funnel deadline. 

House File 546 Relates to school funding by modifying provisions relating to the collection of sales tax for deposit in the secure an advanced vision for education fund (SAVE).  Passed House on March 13th and referred to Senate Ways and Means Committee.

House File 563 Requires the boards of directors of school districts to appoint student liaisons to the boards. Placed on debate calendar. 

House File 690 Establishes a children's behavioral health system and a children's behavioral health system state board.  Placed on debate calendar.

Senate File 163 Relates to state child care assistance, including eligibility and waiting list guidelines and copayment requirements.  Did not pass out of Human Resources Committee by funnel deadline. 

Senate File 239 Provides exemptions from immunization for a person's enrollment in any elementary or secondary school or licensed child care center. Did not pass out of Human Resources Committee by funnel deadline. 

Senate File 316 Establishes a special education interim study committee.  Passed Senate on March 12th and referred to House Education Committee. In subcommittee with A. Meyer, Brink, and Mascher. 

Senate File 547 Establishes an education savings grant for pupils attending a nonpublic school. In Appropriations subcommittee with Breitbach, Celsi, and Kraayenbrink. 
Important Dates
April 5               Second Funnel
Final date for Senate bills to be passed out of House committees and House bills to be passed out of Senate committees.

May 3               Target Adjournment Date
This update is a bi-weekly publication intended to share information and resources regarding legislative activities, events, and bills related to afterschool issues in Iowa. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Britney Samuelson at
or 515-237-0340.