Iowa-Illinois Chapter Newsletter
August 2018
Notes from the Chapter President
The timing of this newsletter is aligned with reporting on our two major activities, which generally culminate at this time - our symposium and our scholarship events. But activities and actions go on throughout the year, so please check our website periodically. You will see there are many news items and events like the IAAAP Plant Tour appearing throughout the year. We continue to make the site as current on information as possible.
George B Rivard
Iowa Army Ammunition Plant Visit
Scheduled for Members
Are you interested in seeing how ammunition is made? The opportunity to see a production line at the Iowa Army Ammunition Plant (IAAAP) in Middletown, IA will be made available to members of the Iowa-Illinois Chapter of NDIA on September 11. Due to safety and visit time limitations, only 30 members will be allowed to experience this unique opportunity so register soon.
For more information about this event, how you can register, and about Iowa AAP, click
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
- 2:15pm – Arrive at IAAAP. Security check/Safety brief
- 3:00pm – 4:30pm – Plant Tour
- 4:30pm – 6:30pm – Board Dinner Meeting (“The Drake”)
Access limited to US citizens.
Plant Access Request required of each attendee in advance.
A short list from this past year includes USO’s “
Frank n’Fridays
”, Symposium Planning meetings which begin within weeks of the past event, STEM event participation including the QCESC dinner and scholarship award program at the Putnam Museum, donation presentations to Robotics teams, scholarship review committee meetings, board meetings, updating the website, etc.
We also continue to actively support other STEM activities: Putnam Museum’s Engineering Kids Summer Camp, FIRST LEGO League Robotics Teams (World Changers/Flourish and Bots), and STEM Outreach Kits, and student attendance donations for the QCESC dinner.
One STEM through the Quad Cities Engineering and Science Council (QCESC), four NDIA, and 4 SGT Paul Fisher Scholarships were awarded this year. Chapter scholarship awards total $154,000 during the past nine years.
We really need more Chapter members to become actively involved in Chapter’s events/activities, to include participation on the Board of Directors. Frankly we need some more new blood on the board; folks that will assure successful continuous improvement of our Chapter to better serve its membership and fulfill its mission.
We do great things – help us do more!
We continue to strongly support military related activities and causes. We are among the partners supporting WQPT’s “
Our Military
” Task Force. We again partnered with the USO and sponsored 4 “
Frank n’Fridays
” events on Arsenal Island, which offers free hot dog lunches to military and their families. And we provide donations to AUSA, Navy Ball, Jason’s Box, and
other similar military focused organizations and activities.
Further Chapter Activities
Once again, I want to encourage you to become an active member of our Chapter. Membership rates remain a great value. BTW, NDIA continues to offer, F-R-E-E three (3) year memberships to Government Employees and active duty Military. It includes 12 issues each year of the National Defense magazine! Go to the updated and totally new NDIA website and click on the Membership tab and sign up now! There are great articles and opinions on varied national defense issues. You will find these often linked directly to what and how you, as one of nearly 700 Chapter members, are supporting our national security.
Shape the future.
George B Rivard
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National Defense Industrial Association, 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22201