Iowa Newsletter   |   Summer 2020
What We Do
First Children's Finance's mission is to grow the supply and business sustainability of excellent child care.
Contact Us  
Heidi Schlueter,
Angie Rae Duncan,
Senior Business Development Specialist

Jim Dickinson, 
Loan Fund Manager

Angie Rae Duncan, Senior Business Development Specialist and 
Heidi Schlueter, Iowa Director
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Helping Your Child Care Business Cope with COVID
Just as we all are learning to cope with this virus, so too must your business learn to cope. Things like the low enrollment, higher costs, shortages and risks associated with crisis are not what you had in mind when you wrote your business goals, but they do occur nonetheless. How does your child care business cope?  How do you k eep a focus on your goals? 

Child care program administrators, owners, and directors, are encouraged to join us July 21, for  Managing Your Child Care Business Through Crisis. This online training will cover: business crisis management, accessing emergency capital, determining cash on hand, projecting cash flow, reviewing financial data to make decisions, managing continued operations, and managing a temporary closure of a program.  Register now through  iPoWeR .
PPP Forgivable Loan Application Extended to August 8
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) through the US Small Business Administration (SBA) resumed accepting applications July 6, 2020, in response to the President signing the program's extension legislation. The new deadline to apply for a Paycheck Protection Program loan is August 8, 2020. There are still about $130 billion in funds available for these loans. Small businesses will be able to have these loans forgiven if at least 60% of the loan is used to pay payroll. Other uses of the funds are rent, mortgage interest, and utilities. For more information on PPP and other Corona virus funding options, visit the SBA website .
Grant Received for Iowa Child Care Business Development
First Children's Finance is excited to announce the FCF Iowa Regional Office has been awarded a $150,000 grant from Northwest Area Foundation to assist in the development of online child care business development capacity.  Funds will also help the FCF Iowa team explore new strategies to reach out and assist more child care centers and homes serving rural and low-income communities. 

Updates will be shared as this project progresses.