Irish Insider

November 20, 2019
Words from Weisner
Please remember that next Tuesday, November 26 is the last day of school before Thanksgiving. We feel very blessed at St. Catharine School for our wonderful parish community that supports the school in its mission of developing faith-filled students. We are also thankful for our supportive parents who demonstrate the importance of working together with the realization that it takes parents, teachers, and students to achieve our mission. Thanks also to Home and School who provides transportation to field trips, on-going school needs such as new floors in some of the classrooms, and assisting classroom teachers with their needs in working with students. Thanks for Partners in Education that ensures that field trips, author visits, enrichment opportunities are at no cost to our families. Thanks to our SPICE foundation that supports all students but particularly those who learn differently. Their assistance with classroom supports such as special seating, materials that enhance learning, teacher attendance at workshops that discuss student learning styles, and tutoring are very much appreciated and used on a daily basis at school. Finally, to our teachers, who are so dedicated to their students and to the mission of St. Catharine School. Their on-going instruction, guidance, and collaboration with those on the staff allow me to be very thankful at this special time of year!
Our interim period for Second Quarter is December 6. Any concerns from teachers regarding student performance and progress will be sent home to parents during the week of December 9. Looking forward into December, the Christmas Performance is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17. More details will follow after Thanksgiving vacation.
Our best wishes for a joyful and thankful Thanksgiving vacation!

Janet Weisner
  • Nov 20 - 7pm - SPICE meeting
  • Nov 22 - Buckeye Orders Due
  • Nov 23 - Parish Tree Lot Opens (10a - 10p)
  • Nov 24 - 9:30a - 12:30p - Wreath Pick Up
  • Nov 26 - 3p - 6p - Buckeye Pick Up
  • Nov 26 - 3:15p - 6:30p - Wreath Pick Up
  • Nov 27 - 29 - No school - Thanksgiving Break
  • Dec 2 -SCRIP Order Due
Only 2 Orders left before Christmas
SCRIP orders are in full swing. Still not sure how SCRIP can help you? Check out these testimonials from families in other programs: ShopWithScrip. Family Testimonies

Don't forget physical card orders are available each FULL week of school, order placed Monday will then be delivered that Friday in students backpacks. The last day to order physical gift cards for Christmas will be December 9. Don't' miss out!!!

The SCRIP Holiday Gift Guide is now available

Upcoming Physical Gift Card Order Dates:

  • December 2
  • December 9 ( last day to order before Christmas)
  • January 6

Questions? Visit the SCRIP page on the school website or email or call Jeni Cooke 614-214-4070.
Athletic Commissioner Openings
The Athletics Department is looking to fill the following commissioner roles. All interested parties should contact the Director of Athletics, PJ Keiffer at or 614-668-0134. It's a great way to get your volunteer hours.

  • Boys Basketball Commissioner
  • Girls Basketball Commissioner
  • Summer Baseball Commissioner
  • Football Commissioner
The Lindy Infante Foundation 
The Diocesan Recreation Association is providing financial assistance for participation fees through the Lindy Infante foundation. See visit for details.

Go Irish!!
Cafeteria -November 21-26
Thursday, November 21
  • Chicken quesadilla
  • Spanish rice / black beans
  • Romaine salad
  • Sidekick
  • Milk 

Friday, November 22
  • Cheese pizza
  • Carrots/cucumbers w/ranch
  • Peaches
  • Rice Krispie treat
  • Milk

Monday, November 25
  • Bosco Sticks w/ Marinara Sauce
  • Pineapple Tidbits
  • Caesar Salad
  • Milk

Tuesday, November 26
  • Breaded Chicken Patty with Whole Grain Bun
  • Sweet Potato Fries
  • Fruit Cocktail
  • Milk

**Wow Butter Sandwiches ** Salad ** Choice of Fruit **
***These items are offered daily ***
We hope your children are enjoying some of the new offerings in the cafeteria. We truly are enjoying serving lunch to your children. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Just a reminder, all lunches need to be paid through My School Account. Please make sure your child's account is up to date.

Girl Scout Troop 2851 - Buckeye Sale
Homemade candy Buckeyes made by Girl Scout Troop 2851. Order your homemade buckeyes, and have them in time for the OSU- Michigan football game (on 11/30/19). They are delicious and sure to be a hit.
Order now for your Thanksgiving Dessert, the Buckeye Game or for Christmas gift giving (they freeze well)!
18 Buckeyes for $10.00.
Orders are due by November 22, 2019
Pick up your orders at St. Catharine Church undercroft on Tues., November 26, 3-6 P.M. Send in order forms and payment to Jason Bruck (c/o Ava at St. Catharine School). You can also email your order form to For any questions, call Jason Bruck 614-946-9983
Christmas Wreath Pick Up
If you ordered Christmas wreaths through our annual sale, they will be available for pick up Sunday, November 24 from 9:30 to 12:30 and Tuesday, November 26 from 3:15 to 6:30 at the garage in the parking lot.

If you forgot to place your order, we have a few extra items. Please contact Emily McFadden at or 614-207-5449 or stop by during one of the pick up times.  
St Catharine Parish Christmas Tree Lot
The countdown is on! We are just days away f rom the opening of the annual St Catharine Christmas Tree Sale. Starting on November 23rd (Thursday - Sunday, except Thanksgiving), locally sourced trees will be available for every budget!

In order to make this another successful year, we are in need of volunteers! Please consider signing up ! You can even make it a family affair or a fun event for a group of friends!

Looking for another way to get involved? There are multiple sponsorship opportunities available . Please contact Mark Mangia at if you are interested! 
Preschool News
Construction Friends
The Busy Bees are learning all about construction. As an extension to their activities we had the Engineer and Superintendent from Corna come and talk to the class about all the work being done outside.
Preschool Upcoming Events
November 27, 28 and 29- No School Thanksgiving Break
December 2- Registration Begins for Preschool and Elementary School- See notes below
December 19- 3:15 Dismissal for all Extended Care children
December 20- January 3- Christmas Break
Preschool Registration Information
Returning Preschool Registration - Returning preschool children will receive registration paperwork next week during conferences or directly from your teachers. They will be due back no later than December 6th.  

Sibling Preschool Registration- Any sibling of a current or past St. Catharine student can register between Dec. 9-13th.  

Kindergarten Registration- Registration packets will be passed out soon. Registrations are taken on a priority basis. Please see the website for more information. 
ADORE is this week! If there has been something weighing on your heart and mind, or if you need a place to rest in the midst of this busy season, join us for an hour of prayer on Thursday, Nov 21 from 6:30-7:30. Stay for the whole hour, or just stop in for a few minutes!

Tree Lot Grand Opening is this week! Saturday, November 23rd from 10 am - 10 pm. 

Parish Office will be closed November 28-29 for Thanksgiving
We hope you enjoy the new format of the Irish Insider. For consideration in future editions, please email by 12pm Monday for the Wednesday edition.