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The ignorance about end-time Bible prophecy among people in the church pews of America is abysmal, but it is not entirely their fault. The major source of the problem is the fact that Bible prophecy is ignored in the teaching and preaching programs of most churches.
Order the Book
The companion workbook to The End Times in Chronological Order-Book, author Ron Rhodes provides a strategically designed guide to help you unpack Bible prophecy. Whether you journey through this workbook on its own or in tandem with the book, this resource illuminates every key concept believers need to know–-and where they fit on God’s timeline–-from the Rapture, to the Tribulation, to the return of Christ, and beyond.
You can find the book
Do you wonder what happens when you die? If so, you’ll love these short, inspirational explanations of the Bible’s most encouraging teachings about heaven. Trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes combines his rock-solid scriptural insight with illustrations from leaders throughout church history.
Each chapter is short enough to read in one sitting and zeroes in on a single encouraging truth. You will quickly find your fears and doubts replaced with confidence in these truths.
Order the Book
for $10.00
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Is Antichrist's Empire on the Horizon?
June 6, 2022
Is the so called Great Reset fact, fiction, or conspiracy theory? Depends on who you ask. We believe it is the run-up to the Tribulation, or Daniel’s 70th week, and it will likely blossom during that time. If that is the case, the hour is very late! We’re watching the stage-setting.
Hear two gifted scholars discuss this at our next bi-monthly Understanding the Times event Thursday, June 9,
Co-hosts of the event are Jan Markell and Pastor Mark Henry.
Antichrist's empire may be forming and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse may be out of the barn, but they cannot ride until the Church is taken in the Rapture. Perhaps today!
Join us in person!!
Thursday, June 9, 2022
7 pm – 9 p.m. (CDT) – Doors open at 6 p.m.
No tickets needed: First-come, first-served
If you have any questions, please contact:
Host venue: Revive Church
7849 West Broadway
Brooklyn Park, MN 55445
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. (CST)
(formerly Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church)
You can also watch post conference at your convenience. Just go to:
You can also order a DVD of the program in our store here.
Find the Global Reset: Do Current Events Point to the Antichrist and His Worldwide Empire book in our store here
Jan Markell welcomes Dr. Mark Hitchcock and Jeff Kinley to examine the coming great global Reset. They conclude the Reset is the Tribulation and we are seeing a run-up to that today. The global elite are awaiting the next global crisis to further implement their one-world plans. It is on the horizon.
If you missed the previous event on
April 21, 2022 with Pastor Brandon Holthaus and hosts Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell, you can view it here. You can also purchase the DVD at our store here
Pastor Brandon Holthaus, Pastor Mark Henry and Jan Markell consider the rising one-world system at our bi-monthly Understanding the Times conference in Minneapolis. How will you handle the coming digital currency?
Find all programming posted and archived in video and audio form here.
You can find all programming on our Rumble channel and on YouTube when we aren't banned. Note that there are many of our YouTube videos that are hijacked, turned into audio only, are old and outdated, and causing confusion. Look for our videos with 162,000 YouTube subscribers.
Awaiting His Return,
Jan Markell
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Be Ready! The King is Coming!!!
"Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
1 Thessalonians 4:17