Is Delayed Egress For You?
The International Building Code allows delayed egress as a way of controlling foot traffic through a door that is typically part of a path of egress or emergency exit. Although there are several different types of systems, delayed egress is typically incorporated into an panic / exit device and most manufacturers offer some type of delayed egress as part of their panic exit hardware offering. Typically an alarm will sound when the someone presses on the panic exit bar in an attempt to exit through the door. Although the alarm is sounding the panic exit device prevents someone from exiting for a period of time, typically 15 seconds, while the alarm continues to sound. The panic exit device will allow someone to exit after the delay time has expired. Delayed egress can be used in many different applications including:
- Slow down shoplifters, preventing them from quickly taking items out a side door or rear door (grab & run) to a waiting "getaway" car
- Prevent children from exiting through a door or gate into a dangerous situation
- Protect memory care patients and residents from wandering away from their care facility
- Control access at transportation terminals, preventing passengers from accessing dangerous equipment and secure areas
- Help prevent prisoners from fleeing courthouses, jails and other government buildings
Here are some things to consider before purchasing delayed egress door hardware.
- All delayed egress hardware available today is powered by 12V or 24V and must be powered by a low voltage power supply (battery powered delayed egress is not currently available from any manufacturer)
- All delayed egress hardware should be approved by the local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), which could be a code official, city engineer or fire marshal, depending on your state or municipality
- Some code officials (AHJ) within the US and Canada will only allow delayed egress under certain criteria or restrictions, while others do not allow delayed egress to be installed
- To properly install delayed egress, there are typically three tradesman that must coordinate the installation; door hardware installer, electrician and fire alarm technician.
- All delayed egress must be connected to a fire alarm override, providing for free egress, without delay during a fire emergency
- Some local codes have special exceptions and restrictions regarding how a delayed egress system is reset and rearmed following a fire emergency, however all locations have special requirements for the door signage
- If a path of egress at your facility has more than one door, most code officials or AHJs will only allow one delayed egress panic exit device within each path of egress. Get recommendations from a door hardware expert, architectural hardware consultant, or security consultant regarding which door within the path of egress should have delayed egress and which doors you might avoid delayed egress
- Choosing to employee delayed egress should be considered carefully. In today's society, there are many threats to be considered and fire emergencies are not the only panic emergency that we face. Consulting with architects, door hardware experts, architectural hardware consultants or security consultants can help choose the right delayed egress hardware for your facility and help provide the proper safety override switches to consider
- Before choosing a manufacturer, consider all the doors within your facility and how delayed egress will add to the security of your campus. Some delayed egress systems are designed to integrate with ADA swing door operators, while others are better choices for access control doors, while some delayed egress systems are designed for use outdoors
Detex offers delayed egress panic devices in both the Advantex and Value Series (V40 and V50) lines.
Delayed Egress and Emergencies
Delayed egress must be tied to a fire alarm, which provides an override, so that immediate exit is allowed during a fire emergency. However, some delayed egress systems can be connected so that even though the delay is no longer functioning during a fire emergency, you can still have an alarm sound. Some delayed egress systems can provide an alarm via battery back up during the loss of power. Depending on requirements, be sure an check with your customer and local authority to be sure your installation meets with everyone's approval.
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Trade Shows
Intermountain Lock Expo - Seattle, WA - February 10, 2017
Texas Locksmiths Association - Houston, TX - February 23-25, 2017
NFM&T - Baltimore, MD - March 7-9, 2017
Expo Seguridad - Mexico City, MEX - April 5-7, 2017
Intermountain Lock Expo - Seattle, WA - February 9, 2017 - 1-5pm Texas Locksmiths Association - Houston, TX - February 24, 2017
Reminder: New Price List Coming
The new 2017 Detex Price List will become effective March 31, 2017.
You will notice several new products and options included for 2017:
- Weatherized Electric Latch Retraction for both Advantex and Value Series
- New power supplies for use with applications such as delayed egress, electric latch retraction, our patented delayed egress with latch retraction and our industry-first Automatically Operated Door (AOD) EasyKit
- Simplified and touchless options for AO19 activation
- Additional options for Windstorm Rated hardware
- New low voltage, weatherized siren for use with various outdoor systems
- New electric strikes, including an outdoor electric strike