
Is God Enough?
Here it is fresh off the Press ... Jim's newest book--a must read!

Book Description ...

In our Christian journey, we finally discover, we need more than just church, more than just truth, doctrinal purity, or outreach. We discover it is more than a lifestyle change, or family and friends, more than social get togethers. We need a POWER to live inside of us, that we learn to say YES to all the time, to transform us into a new person, a born again, God-governed follower of Jesus Christ.
This level of Christian intensity and intimacy is indeed rare and almost extinct today, but God calls us all to it. Truly, this should be the pursuit of our lives ... a diligence in searching for that which was lost in Eden. One-on-one with God! This and this only can satisfy the true longing of our hearts.

Chapter Titles
1.    Is God Enough?
2.    Escaping Captivity
3.    Family First Focus
4.    An Albino Squirrel
5.    I Belong to God
6.    Jesus and Something Else
7.    A Vital Connection
8.    Absolute Commitment
9.    Sound of Silence
10. Pass it On!

$10.00 per BOOK. Order one or multiple copies to share with family and friends from our website! They make Great gifts.

If you prefer an E-BOOK version--it is available for $8.00 on Amazon.

To go to our website; click the button below "Visit our Website" or ... here is our direct link > Choose Shop > Choose Books > Click on the book cover to order.

Merry Christmas and the blessings of God's presence with you always!

Jim & Sally Hohnberger
Empowered Living Ministries
Empowered Living MInistries
Jim & Sally Hohnberger
Empowered Living Ministries