We have all hear that it is better to give than to receive.

But why is that so?

This week we're going to take a look at tithing.
What it is and how it can benefit YOU.  

Tithing is not only about giving 10% of your income to a charitable cause, it's also about your contribution to society.

Simple things like cleaning up before you leave a hotel room or picking up trash on the street helps to build your "intelligent self-interest," as one of my favorite philosophers Jim Rohn calls it.

Intelligent self-interest is a deep concept that is wrapped around that idea that when I help the whole, I help myself.

By preforming small acts of kindness and by doing something when you see something, you build confidence, worth and self-esteem.

In this week’s video “Tithing - The Gift Of Giving” I explain the importance of being generous with your resources, which includes your money and your energy.

The metal element relates to your finances and wealth.

Watch the video to learn how to tell if someone is generous or uptight by looking at the size of their nostrils.

Discover Qigong tools that aid in clearing financial blockages and stinginess. Bring about more abundance, goodness and prosperity into your life.

One of the many reasons why I love Qigong, meditation and martial arts is that it gives me a frame work to live my life in
harmonious equilibrium.

When you give back, weather its time, money or energy, you are creating space for more balance and happiness in your life.
It's quite amazing if you really think about it.

Be well and Qi ya later, my friend.
-Chris Shelton

P.S. Not sure which five element body profile you are?

P.P.S. June 3 kicked off our 5th Qigong Foundations Level 1 class. If you missed the boat this time around, don't fret. We're doing it again starting September 23. For details go to www.QigongTeacherTraining.com
Movement as Medicine: You Can Heal Yourself
East West Bookshop - 324 Castro Street Mt View
Taught by Chris Shelton
Tuesday, June 11th, 7:30pm-9:00pm
FREE Qigong and Sound Healing Experience

Brought to you by Conscious San Jose
Plaza De Cesar Chavez , downtown San Jose
Taught by Chris and Parisa Shelton and Jessica Neideffer on the crystal bowels
Thursday, June 27, 12:00-1:00pm
No registration required. Join US!
FREE Tai Chi & Qigong at the Refuge
Don Edwards SF Bay Wildlife Refuge
Taught by Christine Castillo
Saturday, July 13, 9:30-10:30am