Productive employees feel proud to work at growing companies. While it’s true that good employees expect their company to hire quality individuals, they may become disappointed when they see more efforts being made towards recruiting rather than retaining.

According to a recent survey by Paychex Inc., one of the top reasons for employees to leave their company is, “a lack of feeling appreciated”.
Is retention more important than recruiting? Yes! Company culture is established by its own people, it is not just a statement that executives create for marketing purposes. Companies that value retention the most will ultimately surpass their competitors that don’t.
Quality selection is the 2nd most important priority next to retention. Bench strength and succession planning are the keystones of companies built to last.
Interview Inc. offers a competitive advantage to corporations by assisting in sourcing and interviewing the best talent available. Our services can help accelerate your hiring results by accessing the “Passive Candidate” talent pool matching their skills and experience to your exacting job specifications.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business grow!
Our Services
Interview Inc.
22809 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, CA 90265

Phone (424) 234.7700
Toll Free (888) 378.5519