Pope Francis has become the most controversial pope in the last 300 years. He has made numerous contentious and disputable statements that not only go against historic Roman Catholicism, but they also violate the infallible Word of God. Tragically, his fatal lies often go unchecked and are leading millions of people down the wide road to destruction (Matthew 7:13). As the first Jesuit pope, he rules over 1.3 billion Roman Catholics, who have been indoctrinated to believe that any man who wears the papal crown is holy and infallible when he speaks ex cathedra. We must warn Catholics with the sobering words of Christ, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves" (Mat. 7:15).
Is the Pope Humble?
Pope Francis is loved by many because of the “humility” portrayed by his foot-washings and self-described humble lifestyle. However, can he really be humble when he usurps the honor and authority of the Lord Jesus by stealing His title as the Head of His Church? Francis never suffered the physical torment, the spiritual abandonment and a sacrificial death to save the Church. That he would consider himself to be the Head of the Church is unconscionable. Yet, his arrogance does not end there. He has also usurped the title “Holy Father” from the one and only Holy Father who is the Father of Jesus and all born-again Christians (John 17:11).
Is the Pope a Universalist?
In spite of the clear teaching of Christ and His Word, Pope Francis believes God’s will is to save all people. During a message in St. Peter’s Square, he said, God “wants His children to overcome all particularism in order to be open to the universality of salvation” (CNA, 11/15/19). Years earlier, Pope Francis declared: “The Lord has redeemed all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not just Catholics. Everyone…even the atheists. Everyone! The Blood of Christ has redeemed us all” (RNS, 5/22/13). The pope’s belief that everyone will be saved is not only opposed to the teachings of his church but also to the very words of Christ. The Lord Jesus made it clear that very few will enter Heaven, and the greater majority will end up in a place of destruction. He said we must “enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).
Is the Pope a Denier of Hell?
Not only has Pope Francis said everyone will eventually be in Heaven, but he also stated, “There is no hell where sinners suffer for eternity.” He added to his heresy by saying: “After death, those who do not repent cannot be pardoned, and they disappear.” Then he declared, “Hell does not exist but what does exist is the disappearance of sinful souls.” One can only conclude that the pope is calling Jesus a liar because He spoke of hell more than thirty times in the New Testament. God’s Word describes hell as a place of torment where unbelievers suffer pain and thirst from a burning fire. The horror and hopelessness is so great that they want to warn their loved ones who are still alive. The punishment for their sins is irreversible; there is no second chance and no escape (Luke 16:19-31). The pope’s denial of hell also opposes Roman Catholicism, which affirms the existence of an eternal fire in hell where sinners suffer (Catechism of the Catholic Church, para. 1035).
Is the Pope Against the Sanctity of Marriage?
The recent endorsement of same-sex civil unions by Pope Francis has been criticized by conservative Catholics throughout the world. God's timeless Word reveals His holy intentions for marriage, family and sexuality as well as His clear condemnations for those who violate His intentions. No one, not even a pope, has the authority to redefine marriage, family and sexuality. The first family consisted of a male husband and a female wife, along with their children.
Is the Pope Ever Right?
Pope Francis was wrong again when he said, “All of us are God's children.” The Lord Jesus exposes the pope’s lie by revealing some people are children of the devil. To the apostate religious leaders He said, “You are of your father the devil” (John 8:44). Later, the apostle John wrote: “It is evident who are the children of God, and who are the children of the devil: whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is the one who does not love his brother" (1 John 3:10). The pope was also wrong biblically when he declared Mary is the one mediator between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5). He said, "Mary is not only the bridge joining us to God; she is more. She is the road that God travelled to reach us, and the road that we must travel in order to reach Him.
Pope Francis blasphemed God by attributing the work of Jesus Christ to Satan when he declared that the “Division [among evangelicals and Catholics] is the work of the Father of Lies who does everything possible to keep us divided.” The pope's statement opposed and denigrated God's infallible Word. The Lord Jesus is the One who divides believers from unbelievers by the truth of His Word (Luke 12:51-53).
The pope also blasphemed God by saying He is going to destroy the world again because of global warming. He said this time the Genesis flood won't be mythical, (like he seems to believe of the Genesis flood); it will be real. His distortion of Genesis continues with his statement: “The Big Bang Theory does not contradict the role of God as the divine creator.” He said, “God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life."
Is There Anything Christians Can Do?
Pope Francis has become the most influential and dangerous false teacher in the world today. It is my prayer that Christians will recognize the Roman Catholic religion is a huge mission field and rescue Catholics from Pope Francis. Only the truth of God's Word can set Catholics free from the bondage of religious deception (John 8:31-32). We must speak the truth in love and pray for the salvation of these precious souls!
Some Will Come and Preach Another Jesus
Christians will often tell us they know a Catholic is saved because they love Jesus. However, which Jesus do they love? The Jesus of the Bible is gloriously revealed as the all-sufficient Savior who finished the work of redemption (Heb. 7:25, 9:12). The Eucharistic Jesus does not save sinners completely and forever, but instead continues the work of redemption on an altar (Catechism of the Catholic Church [CCC], para. 1405, 1471). The true Jesus paid the complete punishment for sin and cancelled the eternal debt for sin (Col. 2:13-14). The false Christ of Rome did not pay the complete punishment for sin as Catholics are taught they must suffer temporal punishment for sin in purgatory (CCC, 1471).
The Bible tells us Jesus offered Himself once for all sin for all time and there are no more offerings for sin (Heb. 10:12,14,18). The counterfeit Christ of Roman Catholicism is offered 200,000 times each day on altars throughout the world as a sacrificial "victim" for past sins (CCC, 1367). God's Word tells us Jesus will return a second time the same way He left, after the tribulation in wondrous glory (Acts 1:11; Mat. 24:27-30; Heb. 9:28). The Catholic Jesus returns every day at the command of a priest who transubstantiates wafers into his body and blood, soul and divinity (CCC, 1374). The Catholic Church robs Christ of His glory as the only sinless mediator (1 Tim. 2:5) by declaring Mary holds the same glorious position.
When Catholics worship and trust the false Christ of the Eucharist, they are committing the most serious sin of idolatry and must be warned. Furthermore, another Jesus always leads to another gospel which has no power to save (Rom. 1:16; Gal. 1:6-9). It is because of our love for Catholics we have published a Gospel tract, Which Jesus Do you Trust? Order them here.
The seven extraordinary statements that Jesus made just before His death from the cross. provide profound insight into His soul and His purpose for dying. You will want to share this message by Pastor Tom Pennington with all your friends and loved ones.
The Powerful Influence of Christian Radio
We praise God for radio personalities that have the courage to expose the errors of false religions while boldly proclaiming the truth. Last month, we received a call from a devout Catholic woman in Green Bay, WI, after she heard Jan Markell interview me about Pope Francis. She told us that she went through a myriad of emotions during the radio program, including anger and a sense of betrayal by her religion. Then she had feelings of remorse and sadness when she recognized that she had been deceived for 62 years of her life. This prompted her to go to our website, where she spent hours reading articles and watching videos. By the time we ended our 45-minute phone conversation, she was joyful and confident because she trusted Jesus alone for His gift of eternal life. When she told us she could never return to the Catholic Church, we directed her to a doctrinally sound Bible Church that faithfully preaches the whole counsel of God verse by verse. Watch the interview here.
Letters to Edify and Encourage the Saints
Dear Mike and Jane,
An ecumenically-minded elder at my church kept inviting me to participate in a Catholic Commerce organization that was meeting in our Bible church. Enter Mike Gendron and all of his articles and clear biblical instruction on the errors of Rome. I used them as my "reasonable defense” as to why I would not join the group. The most incredible thing happened when I made an impassioned appeal to the elder to withdraw his membership and remove the organization from our church. He said I helped him see things clearly through the lens of God's word and then he left the organization and banned it from our church. With your humble teaching and the Holy Spirit's discernment (1 Cor 2:14), I also came to realize I was involved in a church that was NOT following the truth of Scripture. My wife and I had escaped the errors of Catholicism only to find ourselves in more doctrinal error. Our Lord used your antithetical (Pauline) teaching method to contrast lies with truth to bring us out of our erring church. We are now in a family of believers who are bathed in the revelation of a holy and sovereign God who loves His elect. What a journey it's been! You have been there to lead us into the true light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. P. and K, Phoenix, AZ
Will Mary Unite Catholics and Muslims?
Clerics who promote the idea that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are intricately connected have narrowed their sights on promoting Mary, the mother of Christ, as “a Jewish, Christian and Muslim woman.” The Pontifical International Marian Academy will present a ten-week webinar series titled “Mary, a model for faith and life for Christianity and Islam.” The academy will seek to present Mary as a bridge between the two religions. Read more.
Biblical Responses to Catholic Teaching
Catholic Teaching: The Gospel of Salvation According to the Catholic Catechism, the following requirements are necessary for salvation. You must be a member of the church (CCC 846), be water baptized (CCC 1257), do penance (CCC 980), receive the sacraments (CCC 1129), obey the ten commandments (CCC 2086), and do good works (CCC, 1821). Salvation is never assured in this life.
Biblical Response: The Sacrifice of the Mass is a blasphemous insult to the perfect, sufficient and finished sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ who died once for all sin for all time. When Jesus finished the work of redemption, He cried out in victory, "It is finished" (John 19:30). "He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God" (Hebrews 10:12). "By one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified" (Hebrews 10:14). "Where there is forgiveness of these things (sins), there is no longer any offering for sin" (Hebrews 10:18). The Eucharistic Christ is a counterfeit Jesus and Catholics who worship it are committing the serious sin of idolatry.
Let us glorify our Lord Jesus Christ by faithfully sharing His glorious Gospel of grace!
Mike and Jane Gendron
(817) 379-5300
2829 Veranda Lane, Southlake, TX 76092
Mike's Ministry
Zoom Meeting
April 7
Mike will present a 2-hour conference on True Faith and the Supreme Authority for Truth to a large group of Christians in the predominantly Catholic country of Lithuania.
Voice of Faith Church
Green Bay, WI
April 10-11
Mike will teach a 2-day conference with messages at 10 am and 1 pm on Saturday and Sunday. Message titles include: The Convergence of Islam and Catholicism, Is the Eucharist and the Mass in the Bible?, Evangelizing Catholics God’s Way, and Why Was the Reformation Necessary? To register or obtain more information click here.
Countryside Bible Church
Southlake, TX
April 11 - May 30
Mike Gendron and Brian Chandler will teach an 8-week course designed to equip and encourage the saints to be faithful and effective witnesses for Christ. The course will be taught on consecutive Sunday mornings from 10:30 am until noon in the Chapel (CH1).
Last Days Bible Conference
Alberta, Canada
April 28-29
Mike will be one of the returning speakers for The Last Days Bible Prophecy Conference. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, the 2021 Conference will be a virtual event. For more information click here.
Along with the DVD message of Christ calling us to become fishers of men is the testimony of God’s amazing grace that enabled Mike Gendron to exchange his Catholic religion for an eternal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Soon after Mike’s conversion, he realized the only two things that are eternal in this world are the souls of men and the Word of God. Order here.
Proclaiming and Defending the Glorious Gospel
The purity and exclusivity of the Gospel is under attack by many agents of compromise, including the growing ecumenical movement and the insidious "seeker friendly" church movement. These books will encourage you to contend for the faith against the relentless and widespread attacks on the Gospel. Order here.
Prophetic Insights Into Current Events
Geopolitical and societal upheaval is tearing at the heart of America. What does God's prophetic Word reveal about these end time events? Mike Gendron and 16 other teachers of Bible prophecy contributed chapters to this timely book that exposes the spiritual forces of darkness that are preparing the world for the global reign of the Lawless One. Order here.
10 Video Messages on Catholicism on One Flash Drive
Ten of Mike Gendron's most popular Keynote presentations on Roman Catholicism are now available on one flash drive for $49. These messages will equip you to better understand Catholicism for more effective evangelism. Flash drives can easily be inserted into your computer, iPad or smart TV.
You can also get 10 video messages on Discernment and Evangelism on one flash drive for $49.
Ambassador Pack of Seven Gospel Tracts
The pack includes packages of all seven of our Gospel Tracts plus one set of Gospel Cards to equip and encourage you to sow the imperishable seed of God's Word. Carry some with you and give them to people wherever you go.
This set of 12 Gospel Cards was developed to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ clear, complete and biblically accurate. Each card explains the most important words in a Gospel presentation, using four bullet points and their corresponding Scripture references. The Gospel Cards reveal a sinner's only hope for escaping the coming judgment of God and the only way to receive the gift of eternal life. Order here.
Mike Gendron
to speak at your
Call (817) 379-5300
Archived Monthly Newsletters
Our past monthly newsletters can be accessed here.