B-HERO's Just in Time series highlights upcoming opportunities and resources aligned to the current happenings in ND education.

Upcoming 2025 Youth Risk Behavior Survey

The ND Department of Health & Human Services and Department of Public Instruction are gearing up for the 2025 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).

The YRBS provides the National Center for Disease Control & Prevention with anonymous data on ND student behaviors that can have an impact on future health outcomes. Check out the video below to learn more.

Some ND schools are "selected" to participate in the YRBS, but many more buildings are eligible to participate.

Benefits of Building/District Participation in the Middle or High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey:

  • It is free to participate if your building/district is eligible.*
  • See correlation between statewide and local public health data, which can be used to inform school support, educator professional learning, and consideration of programs and services to support student behavioral health.
  • Surveys are voluntary and completely anonymous. Any student can skip any question, and students or parents/caregivers may opt out of participation in the survey if desired.

*if physical surveys are used, postage costs for returning data forms may apply. Digital surveys are available if a district meets necessary technology requirements.

Examples of data collected with the YRBS:

  • Rates of student substance use and misuse, including use of tobacco, vaping products, and prescription medication.
  • Student exposure to adverse childhood experiences (remember that Washington graphic from Trauma Sensitive Schools training?).
  • Physical health behaviors, including sleep health, diet, and exercise engagement.
  • Mental health concerns, including rates of suicide ideation, feelings of hopelessness, and connectedness to trusted adults.
  • Rates of student exposure to violence, including dating violence, physical assault, and bullying.

Connect with your building administrator to see if they have received information on the 2025 Youth Risk Behavior Survey from Winkelman Consulting.

Eligible schools should receive communication no later than mid-December.

For more information on YRBS, including results of the 2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, visit https://www.hhs.nd.gov/health/YRBS.

Contact us at bhero.crea@k12.nd.us with questions about how schools might use this data.

For direct inquiries about the YRBS, please contact Mark Winkelman at mrwinkelman@gmail.com.

For additional resources and opportunities, visit our website at b-hero.org!


To engage K-12 Behavioral Health Resource Coordinators in training, technical assistance, and opportunities to facilitate connections.  


All school personnel will develop the knowledge and skills to support the health and wellbeing of every student and family.