The Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber's February 2023 Nonprofit Newsletter
The Nonprofit Committee brings you a newsletter once a month that focuses specifically on the issues confronting nonprofit organizations including an educational article and an article highlighting a Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber member nonprofit.
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Volunteer Recruitment Day?
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so we can publicize your event in this newsletter.

Is Your 2023 Event Ready?

by Justin Wingenroth

We can all agree that there’s been a shift in how we operate our organizations, but have you “pivoted” and thought about how to reinvent and reinvigorate your 2023 events? The Nonprofit Committee of the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce was fortunate to have Chereese Jervis-Hill, President & Founder of Events to Remember and PR to Remember present and facilitate our January “Lunch & Learn.”
Here are some key take-aways to consider as you’re planning your upcoming events:

  1. Know Your WHY! Be sure to brainstorm and clearly identify the purpose of your event, its goals, and what you hope your organization will achieve as a result of the event. Dive deeper than “we need to raise funds” and try to find both specific and over-arching goals.
  2. Budget w/ Solid Projections! No matter the size of your event, you always need to start with a budget. Be sure to include projections on ticket sales, sponsorships, journal ads, etc, but also be sure to project realistic expenses as inflation has raised all costs.
  3. Plan Early! We all know there is a lot of event competition in Westchester County, especially during summer and fall. Be sure you’re scheduling in advance and getting the word out….invitations and press releases should be sent 8 weeks in advance.
  4. Promote, Promote, Promote! There are several free resources out there to help you promote. Be sure to take advantage of community calendars: River Journal North, Patch, Examiner, and the Chamber (of course). Use your social media outlets and be sure to tag your vendors and sponsors.
  5. The New Normal! COVID has surely changed the atmosphere of events…are you ready for them? Have you changed the types of events you’re having to accommodate what works for your organization and your donors? Be sure you have a Plan B, vendors, speakers, and honorees could back out at the last minute due to illness or exposure.

Chereese encouraged all participants to try to implement one (or more) of these components in your event planning for this year. Which one will you choose to make your 2023 event spectacular?
Justin Wingenroth is a member of the Chamber's Nonprofit Committee and is Owner/Director of The Dance Conservatory. Read more about his services at:
Do you have expertise to share with other nonprofits? Ask us about writing an educational article for this newsletter!

Please contact Lynn Amos with your ideas at [email protected].
Contact us to promote your event in this newsletter.
Featured Organization: Black Diamonds Academic Success, Inc.

by Lynn Amos

Founded in April 2020 by Martin McDonald, the Black Diamonds has grown to have a full time Executive Director and a 7-member board of Directors. Their mission, to mentor young men of color to become high achieving students who are well prepared for life after high school, is accomplished through their core programs.
Personal Development
The group has discussions and guest speakers who come to their weekly meetings to talk about manhood and emotional intelligence necessary for adult life.

Personal Independence
Talking about and engaging the young members in personal finance, budgeting and investing in the stock market encourages financial independence.

Personal Responsibility
Discussions about codes of commitment to family and community, along with doing a lot of volunteer work in the community, instills a habit of social responsibility.

“It the same thing that makes any great team, group or organization strong. We are a family that supports each other. One that builds confidence and raises standards and personal expectations,” says Martin about the way in which Black Diamonds changes the lives of these young men. “We see that the best approach for success has been reaching out to help others. That gives us an opportunity to learn. It’s different than only reaching out when you need help.”

His advice to other nonprofits: Join organizations like the Hudson Valley Gateway Chamber of Commerce. “They are a resource and a connection to other resources that will help you to learn, grow and build your organization to win. The Chamber has created a family of business people that likes to see others win!”

Lynn Amos is Principal of Fyne Lyne Ventures, a Westchester-based website and graphic design studio and is President of Top of Mynd Cards,
e-cards for businesspeople. She serves on the Nonprofit Committee and is
Co-Chair of the Chamber's Marketing Committee.
Would you like to host an event for your nonprofit colleagues at your facility?

Please contact please contact Lucille Geraci-Miranda at [email protected].
To request that your nonprofit be featured in this newsletter, please contact Lynn Amos at [email protected].
Lunch and Learns are no cost to Chamber Members and $20 for Future Members.

Follow the Chamber's Nonprofit Committee on Facebook:
The Chamber’s Nonprofit Committee provides meaningful opportunities for nonprofit staff, managers and board members to come together to collaborate, and embrace the importance of growth and sustainability. The Committee serves as a resource for ongoing professional development and as a forum for sharing best practices.

Committee Chairperson
Lucille Geraci-Miranda

Committee Members
Lynn Amos, Fyne Lyne Ventures
Mary F. Foster, HVH2O and The Field Library
Chereese Jervis-Hill, Events To Remember
Tim Warn, Civic Member
Justin Wingenroth, The Dance Conservatory