Here are the twelve chapter titles:
1) Can We Trust the Bible to Tell Us the Truth?
2) The Story Begins
3) Israel: The Permanence of the Promise
4) Daniel 9: A Careful Counting of the Years
5) The Gap in the Prophecy
6) Matthew 24: What Jesus Says About Prophecy
7) Vanished Without a Trace: The Rapture
8) Daniel 11 and Revelation 13: The Antichrist
9) Revelation 6: The Four Horsemen of the
10) Jesus Second Coming
11) The Millennium, the Judgments, and When
Forever Begins
12) How Then Shall We Live?
Classes that meet weekly can finish the study in 3 months and requires a leader familiar with these topics. I have seen Eunice's keen insight into theology and her love of God's prophetic outline in the Bible. Unbelievers will have an opportunity to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior as a result of this study guide so don't hesitate to invite unbelievers to be a part of this!
A gentleman named Bernie bought the study guide and writes, "When I saw the new Bible study was available, I decided to check it out. The day it arrived, I sat down and read it cover to cover. I was curious how this study would handle eschatology.
"Because of all the dreadful things happening in the world today, I have felt frightened about the future. However, to my great surprise, when I was done reading the material, I felt great comfort."
Bernie continues, "Yes, bad times are coming, but we have a glorious God who will guide us through the hard times as we stand with brothers and sisters in Christ and look forward to our destiny with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
"Thank you for providing hope!"
Whether you are new to the Christian faith, just exploring the possibility of it, or wanting to go deeper, a small group environment is a perfect setting for study and conversation. Don't be intimidated by eschatology!
Discussion questions in this study guide are intended to elicit conversation, grapple with issues, challenge thinking, and lead you to know Jesus Christ in a deeper, life-changing way.
God may be calling you to get out this vital information to your neighborhood, church, place of employment, or family.
Order a single copy for $9 here or ten for $60 here.
Or call us M - F CST at 763-559-4444.
We will have these available at our fall conference October 15.
Help spread the good news amidst very dark headlines today.
The King is coming, perhaps today. If your church is silent, then you spread the good news. There is a crown for all of those who long for His appearing (II Timothy 4:8).