August 2020 Edition

Dear Beloved,

Welcome to our August E-Newsletter. It's so good to be in touch with you. I hope the challenges of the year are getting easier as together we all learn to adjust to new ways of doing life. If we think seriously about it, most of us have gotten closer in our walk with our Heavenly Father, and that is an amazing thing.

We look forward to Kingdom Come this Friday the 28th August, which starts at 5pm with worship and ends at 8.30pm (see flyer below). It's an online evening of worship, powerful teaching, interview, prayer, healing, and the prophetic. It's on every last Friday of the month. We are excited to be hosting Apostle Tobi Arayomi, who not only carries a word in season, but has a word that speaks into the destiny of the nation. Mina and Femi Bajomo will be interviewing him to glean more insights. Folabi Nuel will be leading us in worship.

We also have our usual powerful prophetic zoom rooms and healing rooms. Over 100 received life transforming prophecies in the one and a half hour that the rooms were opened last month. Please give anyone you know who needs God's healing touch, the link. Jesus, the Healer is on the platform, and working mightily through our Ministers. We had over 31 who visited the healing prayer rooms last month. Please send in your testimonies if you get healed. Also let us know you are watching by telling us on the chats.

The Lord has been doing so much through the ministry. We hope you have tried the Lapis LM Radio (, which is an online Christian radio on your phone, or laptop or iPad. There are lots of great teachings from amazing guest speakers like Randy Clark, Bishop Garlington, Leif Hetland, to name a few. Also we have TY Bello as a Guest on FB Chats for this week. There is a repeat programme at 8.30pm on Friday 28th August night.

This E-Newsletter is full of our usual features. Check out " In His Presence" - Father God is asking that we examine how we are nurturing our spirit. Also we have our inspiring section on how those who are transformed, go ahead to transform others. Enjoy.

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Is Your Spiritual Diet Balanced...?
Having a balanced diet is very important to our physical growth and development. However we give little importance to the diet required for spiritual development. Malnutrition occurs when there is inadequate amount of protein in the diet. Kwashiokor is another name for severe protein malnutrition. It's usually found in people living in geographical areas that have limited food resources. It's more commonly seen in children and symptoms include delayed or stunted growth, a really swollen stomach and frequent infections because the immune system is so weak. Sometimes, it could be accompanied by irritability, lethargy, loss of muscle mass and diarrhoea. The extreme lack of protein causes an osmotic imbalance in the gastro-intestinal system causing swelling of the gut (swollen stomach), diagnosed as an edema or retention of water.

This condition was very common during the Nigerian civil war, especially amongst children. I remember going to the hospital with my Mother, who was a pharmacist and I was so disturbed at seeing these pictures of children with these really bloated stomachs.

Their condition was a physical manifestation of their diet. To change this, all they needed was to be fed with more protein, and calories in the form of carbohydrates, sugars and fat. What is more, in the usual deceptive way of the enemy, he makes it look as if people have full stomachs, when indeed, they are starving and desperately require good nutritious food.

Papa reminded me about this picture the other day, asking how conscious of our spiritual diet are we? How nutritious is our spiritual diet and is it balanced or is it possible that we could be heading for spiritual kwashiorkor and not be aware?
Our lives are so busy, and what is our quiet time looking like?

I reckon that to look at this more closely, we need to understand how we were made, to help us understand what spiritual diet we should be on.

God created us as triune beings, Spirit, Soul and Body (Flesh). "May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole Spirit, Soul and Body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thessalonians 5v 23).

Our bodies can be in varying degrees of health or wholeness. Sometimes, we may appear to be healthy on the outside, but deep within, there is a lot that is going wrong that is not healthy.

We know how our body (flesh) desires that all its wants and desires be met. It's best not to completely follow the dictates of our flesh. Next is our soul which is the part of us that unites our spirit with our body (flesh). It is made up of will...(the part of us that makes decisions), emotions....(the part that expresses how we feel) and the mind...(the part of our soul that thinks).

Most importantly, God's Spirit communicates with our spirit. That is the connection we have to God, and so to be led by God, we have to have a healthy, nurtured spirit that communicates with God and have our body and soul under submission to it.

It's important that we understand the role our spirit plays, so we can ensure it is fed, nurtured and kept healthy. God created our spirit to know Him. At salvation, His Spirit unites with our human spirit, and the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are now children of God. God created us for fellowship with Him. Remember, when we were saved, we ask Jesus and His Holy Spirit to enter into our lives, and we become a new creation, old things have passed away (2 Corinthians 5 v 17).

For us to understand how our spirit can lead our soul we have to take a closer look at our soul. Our will is a part of our soul. God gave us free will. God desires a people who surrender their will to Him because they trust Him and know that He is all wise.

Our feelings are expressed through our emotions. This is such a gift from God. Imagine what life would be like if you never experienced love, joy, excitement, happiness and sorrow. The emotions that hurt are things like, betrayal, bitterness, pride. For Him to use our emotions freely, they have to be renewed and brought under His Lordship.

Our minds are like a tape recorder. All our lives, they have been recording and storing events that have happened to us, the good, bad and ugly. Even things that happened to us in the womb...!!

People and different circumstances in our lives, have caused great hurt damaging our minds, will and our emotions. This goes on to affect us in life because these hurts are buried deep within us. Sometimes we have forgotten the memories, but they are still there, and we do life from that place of pain, but we mask the pain. Proverbs 17 v 22 says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Jesus said that He is coming for a bride without blemish, spot or wrinkle, so He encourages us to let Him into those hurtful places. This we can do if we live a spiritually healthy life.

In some situations, our spirit is ignored and trapped in our bodies, because we are so used to pampering and attending to the body (flesh). The spirit is unable to express itself so can't take the dominant role.

In other situations, someone who is controlled by their soul will lack proper identity and you will find their emotions, mind and will are all over the place and always seek to be attended to. Here again, the spirit which Father God designed to be dominant and to control the soul, will not function in the way it should. The Bible says that whoever has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, without walls. (Proverbs 25 v 28). You can imagine how dangerous this is.
Another of the many reasons why our soul sometimes dominates our spirit is because over the years our soul has been fed on lies we have believed from experiences that have happened to us.

Much as a person's spirit is to rule the soul, it needs to be developed into the role through stimulation and nurturing. I love Psalm 42 v 4-6 where David's spirit is encouraging his soul " why are you downcast within me?, put your hope in God for I will yet praise Him, my Saviour and my God." We know David nurtured his spirit on the word, worship and being in the Presence of God. When we speak of being filled with the Spirit, we mean that God's Spirit flows through your well nurtured spirit and infuses it and also your soul and flesh that are under authority. This enables you walk in the fullness of who Father God has called you to be. It enables you carry the Father heart of God, walking tall in your identity and relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The most important food for our spirit to feed on, is the undiluted Word of God. I would say this is like the much needed protein. This is not the same as feeding on a book which is someone's opinion of God's Word, as good as that may be. When the Holy Spirit says He will bring to our remembrance, He means He will remind us of the Word of God that we have read. This is why we are told to hide the Word in our hearts. I am not in anyway saying don't read books. I am encouraging us not to substitute the Word of God for anything else. Rather read the Word than the books.

The next best thing is to make declarations for your spirit man to encourage it to grow. You can write declarations from the bible about your spirit man and speak them over yourself. Thirdly, it's great to pray in tongues daily, for a period of time if you walk in this gift. It's also very nurturing to your spirit man to soak in the Presence. Finally, and not the least, entering into the place of worship, is great for nurturing your spirit man.

Prayer...Father God, thank you for opening our minds to our need to feed well and nourish our spirit man. Show us what to do, and help us to be diligent about doing this. Help us have our spirit to rule over our flesh and our soul. Cause our spirit to be the head and not the tail. Give us a greater insight into this, in Jesus's Name.

God bless us all.

Lapis Lazuli Ministries Hosts monthly healing, Prayer & Prophetic Zoom Outreach.

It's here again!!! KINGDOM COME - August edition (Friday, 28th August)
Our monthly ONLINE outreach "Kingdom Come" is here again! It will hold on the last Friday of this month, 28th of August, 2020, between 5:00pm to 8:30pm. It will be an evening of love, prayer, worship, teaching, healing and prophecy. The Kingdom Come last month was a mighty time in the Lord's Presence and so many were blessed.

We are pleased to announce that we have Apostle Tobi Arayomi as our Guest Speaker from Light London, UK. He is the Founder (alongside his wife Pastor Nicola Arayomi) of Light London Church and a Trustee of Christian International Europe, headed by Dr. Sharon Stone in the UK. Light London Church is an apostolic movement devoted to revival and reformation and has since seen exponential growth in all areas.

Folabi Nuel will be leading the worship session. He is a Singer, Songwriter, Worship Leader and Recording Artist with a mandate to bring people to the consciousness of who God is and how to be more like Him.

This will be live streamed from 5:00pm-8:30pm on Lapis Lazuli Ministries platforms on youtube/facebook/instagram, telegram, website: and Lapis LM Radio: To join the programme, please type Lapis Lazuli Ministries on YouTube channel or like us on Facebook or follow us on instagram. Please also connect to us on telegram too. You can also listen to us on radio - We will appreciate it if you subscribe to our Youtube channels so you get all our notifications.

There will also be the opportunity to visit Lapis Lazuli Ministries Healing, Prayer and Prophetic Zoom for mighty healing and prophetic words. Last month at the Kingdom Come, over 100 people got accurate prophetic words and over 31 were healed in the healing room.

Healing and Prophetic Ministration will be available from 7.00-8.30pm on Zoom using the links below:
  • Healing Room: Zoom ID: 975 4765 8603 Passcode: 426971
  • Prophetic Room: Zoom ID: 897 7022 4746 Passcode: 109635
Please invite the sick for healing. Jehovah Rapha desires to heal.

For any enquiries go to or call the assigned lines below: Healing: 08090650463 Radio: 08163510857 General inquiry: 07034371401

This September on Lapis LM Radio (

Everyday @ 0600: Reflections

Everyday @ 09.00; 14.00; 19.00: Teachings

Every Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday @ 20.00: Bible Reading Corner

Every Wednesday @ 20.30 (Repeat Friday @ 20.30): FB Chats with guest of the week

Every Wednesday @ 16.30 (Repeat Saturday @ 16.30): Kid's Hangout

Friday 11 September @ 17.00: As you go, heal the sick

Friday 25 September @17.00 - 20.30: Kingdom Come

Every week - Beyond the Hymns

Fortnightly - Heart matters; Women at the Lord's Feet; In His Presence.

Lapis Lazuli Ministries is now on Telegram; stay connected, get updates & follow our channel by clicking this link
Testimonies... Lives Transformed...
In this edition, we have a write up from one of our prayer Coordinators in Abuja. Please read about how Pastor Pius' healing ministry has been transformed after attending our past Kingdom Conference.

I was one of the intercessory volunteers in the Kingdom Invasion Conference in Abuja 2019.

The Kingdom Invasion Conference has been a great revival and great impartation to me. The conference opened my eyes to new revelations and my personal walk with God has been supernaturally fortified, and enhanced.

Every session of the conference was filled with divine Presence of God and His overwhelming love. There are times as a minister you could be doing the work of the Lord without the master of the work, thinking He's there while He's not. I left the conference with a renewed mind and awareness of my sonship and the responsibilities in the vineyard as a minister.

I am now very conscious of the divine presence of God. For example, my healing ministry that was struggling came alive after the impartation. In my mission field, Martina from Pigbakasa had been pregnant for 15 months, and after the Kingdom Invasion Conference I just called her and said, "You are going to give birth to your baby tomorrow," and she said, "Amen." I then ended the call. The following day she delivered a bouncing baby boy, like Hebrew women.

Pastor Pius A. Agim

May the Lord continue to uphold and preserve us all.

God's blessings,

Femi and Mina Bajomo

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Prayer Requests


1. The blessings, healings and prophetic words at the first Kingdom Come.

2. Protection of so many lives from Covid 19.


1. The reproach of this pandemic to be rolled away.

2. Angels to announce the Kingdom Come and draw people in from all over the world, so they meet Jesus. Pray in youths like never before.

3. Mighty Presence, love and power to be felt and seen during this meeting.

4. Greater peace, love and unity in the Body of Christ as we adjust to new changes.

5. For God to cause our leaders to rule fairly and justly.

6. Praying for deliverance and peace for our people in the North, using Southern Kaduna as a point of contact. (Ps 44 v 4-8.)

7. Praying to protect and bring back Leah.

Calling Intercessors

We would like to ask Intercessors who have attended our Kingdom Conferences and would like to meet in your states to pray for the Nation and for Lapis, to please do so.

Please send contact details of your group to us - [email protected] OR 07034371401.
Bible Passage
Luke 4: 18 - 20

18. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;

19. To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

20. Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him.

Contact Information
Lapis Lazuli Ministries
Contact Details




No. 10 Norman Williams Street,
off Keffi Street, Ikoyi,
Lagos, Nigeria.


+234 703 437 1401
+234 906 390 1916
+234 816 351 0857

Recommended Books
Co-Labouring with the Lord: Experiencing the Miraculous
by Dr. Mina Bajomo

You can buy a copy in Lapis Lazuli Ministries Office, No. 10 Norman Williams Street, off Keffi Street, Ikoyi, Lagos or call 07034371401
You can order on Amazon/Kindle

You can order on Jumia
order now

(Delivery cost by GIG logistics to all parts of Lagos will be from N1000 - N1,500).

Healing: unplugged (conversations and insights from two Veteran Healing Leaders)
by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark


Called to Reign 
Dr. Leif Hetland