Continuing Education for Architects & LEED Professionals
Are Your CE Credits Due by June 30?
Architect licenses for many US States and all Canadian Provinces are due for renewal on June 30. Do you have the CE credits you need?

Click HERE to find numerous on-demand courses. Most are free and include 1 AIA HSW and 1 USGBC credit in the US, 1 AIBC and1 AAA structured/core LU in Canada.
What Does Your Door Say About Your Home?
One year ago, we moved from North Carolina to Colorado. We chose the absolute craziest time to buy a house. After 12 failed (yet competitive) offers, we successfully won a house that we never saw in person. A few weeks later and three days of driving across the country, we pulled up to our new home for the first time. When I walked up to the front door, I knew we made a great decision.

Here's the door that welcomed me to my new home. The second picture (pulled from the home listing) shows the door from the inside.
I learned three valuable things about my new home just by this door.

Style: This door represented the design choices that I would see inside. I could see some mid-century-modern flare. The five small windows weren’t typical of today’s door choices, and I could see that time was spent on the door selection. The deep teal color was also uncommon. I would have never selected this color, but after seeing it, I would not change it.

Quality: As we know, doors are expensive. It’s common to skip style and select a front door that’s mass produced. (This doesn’t mean that you’ll forgo quality or security.) The previous owner spent time in selecting this door, and he did not skimp on quality. From the glazing to the hardware, this door is a winner. As I spent time in our new home, I also learned that the previous owner replaced every interior door with custom eight-panel solid wood doors. The front door certainly represented the quality throughout the home.     

Care: Have you ever walked up to a home to see a damaged or dirty door? In many cases, the lack of care to the front door indicates a lack of care inside. The door is your visitor’s first impression. In my case, the door to my new house was spotless, and it indicated that the previous owner cared for the house…and he cared that we had a great impression to begin our new life in Colorado.  

Everything about this door told me that this house was going to be unique with high-quality, purposeful material selections. And, I knew that the previous owner cared for the house over the years.

What does your door say about your home?  

Did You Know
The door symbolizes hope, opportunity, communication, and liberation.
Learn and Earn
ATS Live Seminars Return on August 16.
Design Solutions
August 16
East Coast Specifiers
Click HERE to
Register for Free
Design Solutions
August 18
Mountain/Pacific Specifiers
Click HERE to
Register for Free
Emerging Technologies
August 23
North America Specifiers
Click HERE to
Register for Free
Fire-Rated Product Solutions
August 24
Central Specifiers
Click HERE to
Register for Free
August 25
Southeast Specifiers
Click HERE to
Register for Free
Don't forget, ATS On-Demand Courses
are always available.
Upcoming Free Live Webinar on August 17
Valid for 1 AIA HSW Credit
August 17, Noon EDT
Strategies and Challenges for Collaboration Design in a Post-Pandemic World
New On-Demand Course: $10
Valid for 1 AIA HSW credit,
1 USGBC/CAGBC credit.
and 1 Ethics credit.
Ethics and the Environment: An Architect's Intent, Process, and
Path to Net Zero
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