A new Harris Poll reveals that Generation Z has a more “positive view of the word ‘socialism’ than previous generations, and - along with millennials - are more likely to embrace socialistic policies and principles than past generations.” 1

Should we, after three generations of government-controlled education, even be surprised over Millennial and Gen Z generations leaning toward socialism and paganism? “What’s in the well comes up in the bucket.”

Secular humanists took public education hostage in the early 20th century and show no sign of letting up. Present-day ‘education programs’ include for 13-14-year-old girls, “Oral sex, anal sex, sexual fantasy, masturbation, touching each others’ genitals, and vaginal intercourse all equal to saying, ‘I like you’” 2 - all deftly packaged under the guise of ‘health’ and ‘tolerance’.

Erotic practices and role-playing involving bondage, submission, and sadomasochism are secular expedients, brought to you by the government-run school near you. Before long the National Education Association (NEA) will give preference for 8 th-grade field trips to include San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair 3 over sightseeing tours of the nation’s capital and historic Williamsburg.

If America is to survive, Secularism will have to be ousted from the marketplace. The death grip of secular bullies and brawlers on public education, universities, and academia has marred and scarred the culture like a spiritual cancer. Its detrimental impact is on display in each and every last one of the cultural mountains of influence: education, academia, newsrooms, sports, the Courts, big business, Hollywood, and medicine.

With the nullification of the fixed point - a Biblically-based culture - that the American Founders deemed imperative, truth in America has become what five secular U.S. Supreme Court Justices any given day will agree upon. As America retreats “from the fixed boundaries of the moral order consistent with God’s character”, Christianity has been in every practical sense stripped from the culture. 4 The ‘twisted’ now reign, and whatever their outward piety, they in reality scorn God. 5

With the Bible as the mainstay and safeguard in early America, the Judeo-Christian character became deeply ingrained into the ideas, values, and collective unity of the people. It was a means to an end, given that character produces conduct. And to those who hold integrity as their rule of personal conduct, they embody and represent an exemplary testimony to genuine Christian life and God. Solomon touched on an additional consequence for those who attain, not possess, Biblical wisdom: it equips “ kings to reign, and rulers to decree justice.6

Christian instruction in early America adorned men, women, and youth with exceptional character, Judeo-Christian educational theories shaping the heart and character of the country. American exceptionalism is not passed down in the genes, but evolves as the outcome of Christian culture, augmented by both Biblical understanding and wisdom, and infusion with Christian theology. In light of this, we readily understand why the Founders put such emphasis on Scripture as the key component of early America’s edification.