April 2019
Earlier this month, Joanne and I attended the MEDA conference, one of our favorite annual events that always affords us an opportunity to learn from and collaborate with experts from across the nation. As in past years, you can expect us to write in the near future about our reactions to the conference.

In the meantime, this month's feature involves one of the most important and helpful dynamics in intuitive eating: humming and beckoning.


Humming and Beckoning
Patients working with me on intuitive eating inevitably hear me use the terms humming and beckoning in the context of eating dynamics. Based on the feedback I receive, being able to differentiate between humming and beckoning is one of the most helpful skills for an aspiring intuitive eater to develop. So, what do these two terms mean, and why are they helpful?

Practice News
MEDA Awareness Ambassador

Earlier this month, Jonah participated in a wellness fair at Natick High School as a MEDA awareness ambassador. The students were engaged and asked great questions.

Among those students who indicated that they have had an eating disorder themselves or know somebody who has, one sentiment expressed was that they wished they had known about MEDA sooner.
Soolman Nutrition LLC | (781) 433-0470 | info@soolmannutrition.com
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