From the Corner of Spirit & Brave Newsletter
Issue #446____________________________________September 19, 2021
by Pennie Hunt

Marion is an eccentric combination of Annie Oakley, Gloria Steinem, and Shirley Temple.
Like Annie Oakley, Marion understood tough times and learned to work hard in order to become financially successful.
In the 1860’s Annie, changed ideas about the abilities of women. A century later, Marion did the same.

Both had the courage to prove that a woman could stand her ground in the world that men controlled.

​Marion, a single, teenage mom with an 8th-grade education began waitressing in a small cafe bringing tips home to provide for her infant son and mother.
Over the years she gained her PhD in the ways of life eventually purchasing the cafe, bars, supper clubs, and even a construction company.
Like Gloria Steinem, she was not afraid to speak up and voice her opinion -even when it was unpopular.
She continues to be a strong advocate for women and doesn’t shy away from a discussion about her political views.
I’ve seen Marion lock in a business deal during dinner, strongly expressing her opinion about the details of the agreement and then, just as easily changes her composure, blinks her flirty eyes, and giggles with the impish playfulness of a young Shirley Temple.
Marion is a force to be noticed.
Marion is my mother-in-law.
I delight in listening to the stories of her younger years when purchasing property was done with a handshake and over-bearing men were no match for her.
She tells of how she has made money, lost money, felt success, and experienced desperate times.
It was during one of these stories that I heard her make this profound comment,
    “I never really looked at my glass as half full or half empty.
I always thought my glass was filling up!”
That statement should be on T-shirts, coffee mugs, and tattoos!

That is not just optimistic – that is living a life of expectation.
A life of adventure.
A life of anticipation-- of learning from whatever waits around the next corner.
What if we could all see life that way?
The next time you believe you are having a bad day or living through a challenging time think of it as your life just filling up.
Filling up with experiences to learn from.
Allow your cup to fill with all life has to offer- the good and the challenging.
I hope for Marion, for me, and for everyone that our cup of life continues to fill until that very last drip tickles the rim and runs down the side.
And when that happens, we all wink, giggle, and with an impish smile know that our life was full!
              ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Pennie’s Life Lesson-
“Your glass is not half empty or half full – it is always filling!”
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Books by Pennie

Do you need a lift in your life? 
Or a gift for someone special?
Nothing is better than a book filled with tips about love and gratitude!
Are you experiencing grief or know someone who is? In my new book, I share Tips to Journey Through Grief and Loss. Pick up one for yourself and instead of just sending a sympathy card - send this!

Check them both out here-
 on my WEBSITE 
and find both on Amazon!
Amazon in paperback and Kindle versions:

Tips to Live Life with Love and Gratitude - on AMAZON!