In our founder's note: Reese shares what Archangel Raphael taught her about environmental factors impacting the health of empaths.

In ReSource Gateway: We explain Gateways and the energetics of the upcoming Summer Solstice.

Under June Workshops: Overcoming Perfectionism, Monthly Musing Outward

Under June Courses: Navigating Empathy, Intuitive Development I - Foundations

An Introduction: Meet our friend, Julie who offers energy healing for empaths

I hope you are finding renewal and joy during these last days of Spring. For me, they have been a bittersweet time. My trip to Arizona last month changed my life profoundly. After spending the better part of two years seeking a medical diagnosis to no avail, my time in Az was free of every symptom. I felt truly and deeply well for the first time in years. Returning to the NW has been challenging. I felt like a frog jumping into a pot of boiling water as my symptoms returned with a ferocity. The rain seems to aggravate the brain zaps, brain fog, and extreme fatigue.

What was perplexing to my doctors, my forever guides (my Dad who is on the other side and Archangel Raphael) were able to explain with great clarity. The Archangel of Healing explained to me that intuitives and empaths connect to the unified field through the body's electrical currents. As within, our body's neural network of communication, so without, the neural network of the universe. The cosmic filament and "dark matter" is what the Kami* have been teaching me to see with my eyes over the last year. From my perspective, dark matter is more appropriately termed "smart matter" as it is intelligent.

How does this pertain to the health of empaths? The electrical currents in the empath's brain have a heightened connection to the unified field. Based on what I have seen and learned from Spirit, the unified field is a fractal mirror of our own neural network or perhaps more accurately, the reverse. The field carries the air we breathe and the water we consume. It also now carries many toxins, not just the pollution we are used to considering in our air and water, but now higher levels of positive ionic emission from radiation creating a veritable supercharge to those who are empathic. This creates a grave imbalance for those who are not able to take in enough negative ions (we typically get this from nature). The water molecules in humid or "wet air zones" serve as a conduit for electrical currents and radiation thereby amplifying the demand on our body's electrical system. In the most simplistic terms, our neurons are overheating which depletes the body's supply of minerals at an accelerated rate. This can result in issues with neuron function. Empathic sensitivities are not simply about clairsentience, they are anatomical.

Navigating life as an empath or sensitive person is not just about coping skills, it is about physical and environmental health. I encourage you to prioritize time in nature and to truly commune with the flora and fauna. Such connection is not only good for our bodies, it fosters an appreciation for the beautiful planet that houses our lives. Ideally this cultivates within us environmental stewardship. As well, ensure you are nourishing your body adequately. If you find yourself constantly fatigued, experiencing brain zaps or fog, and/or diminished executive function check your mineral levels and take actions to support healthy neuron function.

For those of you needing support to better navigate your empathic nature, consider joining me for Navigating Empathy (info below).

May the days ahead envelope you in warmth and love.

*Shinto Gods and Goddesses or ancient spirits of the mountains, rivers, sun, moon, heavens, etc.
ReSource Gateway:
Summer Solstice 2022
Gateways are portals that stream/download, exchange, and/or transmute energetic frequencies. These frequencies are held by our planetary friends along with higher consciousness gatekeepers.

The Sun Deities have shared that the upcoming Summer Solstice holds "The Gateway of ReSource." According to RA, the energetic influences held in this gateway will provide blessings related to finances, networks (of all kinds!), agriculture, and anchoring values. He underscores that such frequencies will be activated in the immediate term by those who are clear about their values and will enter the field of those not yet holding such clarity to be activated when the expressed life is aligned and ready for what is held in the field until such readiness occurs.

Additionally, Amaterasu states that the gateway offers access to higher consciousness pearls of wisdom for those involved in integrated healing, artists, musicians, and those leading change efforts, especially related to social & economic structures and advancements in neural networks and neurobiology.

At a time when we are riding a wild pendulum in many areas of life, both individually and in the collective, a gateway offering ReSource feels like a gentle cascade of love from Source. What an appropriate gift to ride in with the Sun entering Cancer!
Breathe into your hearts wisdom and receive
the blessings of the ReSource Gateway!
Upcoming Workshops
At this time, all offerings are held via Zoom
Overcoming Perfectionism
Join Evelyn for this two-hour special topic that will address the common issues we face with perfectionism. She will share techniques to address the patterns and pathways that lead us into the rigidity of perfectionism. Together, we will investigate coping techniques and behaviors that can help us integrate a more flexible, tolerant, and loving view of ourselves.
Monthly Musings

Join us for channeled content each month:

Inward: Gain spiritual wisdom on navigating our internal “trinity” – we will share teachings about body, mind, and/or spirit, or the integration of these.

Outward: Gain spiritual wisdom on the multidimensional world around us. We will topic-based discuss energetic influences, current events, and what is seen on the horizon.

**After package purchase, you will still need to register for individual workshops you wish to attend. Packages appear as credits on the client portal.

EMF's, AI, and Symbiosis

June 14, 2022
5:30pm-6:30pm PDT

Workshop Channel: Reese
June Courses
At this time, all classes are held via Zoom
Frame of Mind series. Artistic background made of human face wire-frame and fractal elements for use with projects on mind_ reason_ thought_ mental powers and mystic consciousness
Navigating Empathy

Begins June 12, 2022
Six Classes
Every other Sunday
10:00am-11:30am Pacific

This series is intended for the unmanaged empath in need of tools to set strong energetic boundaries, understand their empathic aspect and celebrate this aspect rather than feel the burden of external energies.

The course will cover: Self-Care Rituals; Setting multi-dimensional boundaries; The Art of Receiving; Navigating Transitions; Shadow Strength; and Celebrating the Gift.

Course Teacher: Reese

Course Fee: $777
Frame of Mind series. Composition of human face wire-frame and fractal elements on the subject of brain_ mind_ reason_ intuition_ inner energy and mystic consciousness
Intuitive Development Level I: Foundations

Begins June 12, 2022
Six Classes
Every other Sunday
1:00pm-2:30pm Pacific

This course was designed by OI guides to provide a foundation for developing intuitive abilities in a manner that is safe, healthy, and personalized.OI's Intuitive Development courses honor the unique soul signature of each participant, guided by teachers who can identify your best path to unpacking your toolkit.

Course Teacher: Micah

Course Fee: $600
Learn Together!

22% off
June Courses when you take it with a friend

Enter Coupon Code TOGETHER
at check out

Please note your friends name on registration

Individual Private Sessions
12% OFF
Be sure to enter code at checkout

Valid until June 12, 2022

coupons can not be combined
For those of you in need of supportive healing, meet Julie:
Julie Ann Dawson is an energy & intuitive healer, who holds certifications at the Master Teacher level in multiple healing techniques, working alongside angels to not only facilitate healing but to channel their messages and energy directly from Source. She is the CEO & Founder of Chakra To Ya,, and has successfully brought healing & energy healing certifications to people remotely in 32 countries around the world.  

As an empath and intuitive healer, Julie specializes in helping other empaths by identifying & healing blocks, programming, unconscious patterns & systems to relieve the burdens of external energies for protection and alignment of the inner trinity, (mind/body/spirit).    

All healings are facilitated through Zoom, which includes healing, clearing, balancing, and recalibrating the aura, chakras, and systems of the body, removing blockages, cords, negative energy/attachments, and bringing harmony to all aspects of our being- mind, body & spirit. 

Julie is offering a 10% discount for friends & family of the One Illuminated community on their first energy healing session. For bookings and more information, please visit: and mention you are a member of the One Illuminated community to receive the discount.