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September 22, 2022

26 Elul, 5782

Parshat Nitzavim

Erev Shabbat - September 23


6:30 am


  • 6:47 pm

Candle Lighting

6:47 pm

Shabbat - September 24

Latest Shema

9:59 am


9:45 am


6:37 pm

Shabbat Ends

7:49 pm

This week's Kiddush has been sponsored by:

The Kiddush Fund

If you'd like to sponsor a Kiddush, click here

UPDATED - If you want a printable version of the Rosh Hashana Schedule, click here


The Jewish Year 5782 is a Shemita Year or Sabbatical Year. The directive canceling all debts between Jews, applies not only in the Land of Israel, but throughout the entire world. Whenever one Jew owes another Jew money, and the debt is due, that debt is canceled by the Shemita Year.

Click here to download the Pruzbol form




Carol Teitz and Craig Keebler

Beth Levine

With gratitude for your hospitality.

Ze'ev Young

Sarah and Joel Baskin

Thank you for all the dedication you show to support kiddushes and simchas in our shul community

We would like to send a special thank you to Mercer Island Carpet Care, owned by our members Richard and Kim Benjamin, for their amazing job cleaning the carpets in the social hall, kitchen area and hallway. Some of you may have noticed we have had a major uptick of events in our social hall over these last few months and the carpets have paid the price. Thank you Rich and Colin, for donating your time and service to Island Synagogue.

Rabbi Kornfeld's Classes:

Practical Halacha

 Monday - Friday @ 9:00 am 

The Laws of Shabbat

Text: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch

Location: Only on Zoom

Talmud Class

Weekly class: Thursday @ Noon

Location: In Library or on Zoom

Shacharit Schedule

Sundays @ 8am, Monday - Friday @ 7am. Talmud to follow.  

Please call or Text Rabbi Kornfeld @ 206-679-9117 to confirm your participation and to confirm the service will be happening.  

High Holiday Tune-Up Recordings:

Click Here for week 2 class

Click here for week 3 class

Click Here for week 4 class


High Holiday Announcements

The high holidays are fast approaching and we are excited to have our services back to normal. While there are no masking requirements, we will keep windows open to increase ventilation. 


To help us forecast our seating and kiddush needs, we ask everyone to register (one per family) for the services you expect to attend. We also want to invite as many guests as possible to join us and to feel welcome, so please invite friends to register as well. 


Please click here to register to let us know you will be attending. If you have any questions at all please send them to Keith.

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HOSHANA RABBAH Jewish Holiday Sukkot Instagram Post.jpg

Challah Bake Registration Closes Tomorrow (9/23/22) @ Noon

Click Flyer to Register 

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Sukkah Hop Announcement

Please join us for our annual Sukkah Hop Monday, October 10th following services. Detailed flyer coming soon.

North Mercer Island QFC Holiday Update


North Mercer Island QFC is stocking fresh, locally baked challahs for the holidays. They'll be coming from both Schwartz Bros and the Essential Baking Company. Lorena, the bakery department manager, plans to start putting the Challahs on the shelves on Thursday, 9/22.

If you want a quantity of more than 5, please call her at 206-230-0745. 

A Message from our Chesed Committee

The Chesed Committee has reconvened to help our Island Synagogue community in times of happiness and challenges. The committee is currently made up of Devorah Kornfeld, Adina Almo, Vivian Blum, Eva Genauer, Carol Teitz, and our youth liaison Emma Almo. If you’d like to join the committee or take advantage of opportunities for occasional volunteering to help with transportation, errands, or visitation, please let Devorah know. If you know someone who needs tehillim (prayers for the sick) said on their behalf, please let Rabbi Kornfeld know.

Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) 1:2 “The world depends on three things—Torah study, service, and kind deeds.” 

Sign up to read a Haftorah

Make a donation to Island Synagogue

Send a tribute card

Sponsor a kiddush

Donate to the Kiddush Fund

Support Island Synagogue through AmazonSmile

Island Synagogue

8685 SE 47th Street, 

Mercer Island, WA 98040

Web: www.islandsynagogue.org

Office: To reach the office 

please email office@islandsynagogue.org

Newsletter: Newsletter submissions should be sent to office@islandsynagogue.org by Tuesday, at 8:00 pm. 

Membership Information

Email: membership@islandsynagogue.org         

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Click on the Amazon Smile link above to support our synagogue when you make purchases through Amazon.com.

Also be sure to "Like" our Facebook Page.