Israel Folk Dancing 

Mondays * 7:30-9:30 pm

Harry & Rose Samson Family JCC

6255 N. Santa Monica Blvd., Whitefish Bay


Teaching and dancing for beginners is often held from 7:30 to 8:15 pm followed by intermediate to advanced level circle dancing of the newest dances from Israel. Ages 12+. No cost.


Email for more information including whether a beginner class is being held on a given week.  


Experience Israel at the JCC Maccabi Games 

August 2 * 5:30 pm - Doors open | 6 pm - Pre-show entertainment | 7 pm - Opening ceremony

BMO Harris Bradley Center


During the Maccabi games, August 2nd-7th, Milwaukee will host over 40 Israeli teens competing in the games, including a team from MJF's Partnership2Gether region around the Kinneret.

Register to join Maccabi for the opening ceremony on August 2nd or to be a spectator at the games throughout the week. Tickets for both are free.

Artists Lab Summer Family Event with our Community Shlichah (Israel Emissary)

August 9 * 2 pm  

Hy & Richard Smith JCC Water Park - On the Face of the Waters

11015 N. Market Street, Mequon

A family hands on art project directed by Amit Yaniv-Zehavi and Laeh McHenry. This event is part of the Milwaukee Artsits Laboratory 2015: Living Waters.


RSVP, 414-967-8199



Young Adult including College Student, Interested in Learning Hebrew?

Email Stefanie Sager, Young Jewish Adults Milwaukee (YJAM), for details.


Modern Hebrew Language Class

Wednesdays * 7 pm

Pelz Center for Jewish Life

2233 West Mequon Road, Mequon 


Questions? Email or call Rabbi Moshe Rapoport at 262-242-2235.




Jewish National Fund
2015 National Conference

October 23 - 26, 2015

Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park

200 North Columbus Drive
Chicago, IL

Jewish National Fund's National Conference brings together hundreds of committed Jewish leaders from across the country to learn about the key issues of the day that affect us in the U.S. and in Israel.


Honoring: Ambassador Michael Oren with The Shalom Peace Award

Keynote Speaker: Ambassador Ron Prosor, Permanent Rep. of the State of Israel to the United Nations

For more information, call 855-356-0224 or email

Register here


Milwaukee Missions 2016


Womens Philanthropy Heart to Heart


February 7-11, 2016

Heart to Heart 7 Women's Mission to Israel

National Chair: Andrea Schneider

Milwaukee Chair: Jody Herbert


In February 2016, National Women's Philanthropy of the Jewish Federations of North America will lead its seventh annual Heart to Heart mission. Come join our Milwaukee delegation and experience this life-changing journey with a multigenerational group of engaged Jewish women from across North America. Learn about how Israeli women and their families are moving forward after last summer's conflict, and how we can continue to support them. Meet amazing women who are playing leading roles in fields like medicine, fashion, art, business and spirituality. Experience groundbreaking, Federation-supported programs that are improving the lives of vulnerable Israelis. Enjoy Israel's unique culture, fashion, and food. And return home empowered to be a leader in your community. 

Questions? Email or call Amy Blumenthal at 414-390-5713.




March 27 - April 7, 2016


Milwaukee will celebrate 20 years of Partnership2Gether's people to people connections with a community mission to Israel. The mission includes behind the scenes looks at Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, including conversations with Israeli journalists, study and volunteering with Tel Aviv's immigrant populations, and giving back to Israel through at Leket food bank. We will spend time with Israelis in our partnership region as well as former shlichim and shinshinim to Milwaukee. The four days of P2G at 20 celebration includes more than 150 communities from all over the world celebrating the ongoing the strength of partnerships with Israel.  Subsidies are available on a first come first serve basis. Registration will open soon. For more information, visit the mission website.


Questions? Email or call Rabbi Hannah Greenstein at 414-390-5764. 




Israel News and Opinions/Perspectives




Stay informed about the Iran agreement

Rather than taking a position for or against the Iran agreement, the Jewish Community Relations Council has committed to studying the deal and offering our community thoughtful analysis and opportunities to learn more. As a consensus body representing our broad Jewish community, JCRC aims to create rich, well-informed discourse and avenues to share concerns.


Click here to receive occasional email communications and opportunities to learn more.

Visit our Iran Resource Page, including the JCRC statement on the deal.



Senior Israeli Official: Powers aren't Sharing Iran Deal Details, Despite Promises (Haaretz)


Several Killed in Reported Israeli Strike in Syria (Times of Israel)


Possibility Opens for UN to Destroy ISIS (Jerusalem Post)


Jordan Jails Eight for Plot Against Israel, US (Times of Israel)


Ivory Coast to Learn from Israel how to Combat Terrorism (Jerusalem Post)


Israeli Placenta-Derived Cells Get Nod from Top Researchers (Times of Israel) 

Gay Pride Stabber Found Fit to Stand Trial (Times of Israel)


Ya'alon: We will Not Allow Jewish Terrorists to Harm Palestinians (Jerusalem Post) 

Opinions and Perspectives 

David Makovsky: Why Jonathan Pollard's Release Means Little (Politico)

James Traub: Israel Could Lose America's Democrats for a Generation (Foreign Policy)


Shmuel Rosner: Testing the U.S.-Israel Bond (New York Times)


Leon Wieseltier: The Iran Deal and the Rut of History (The Atlantic)


Rabbi Eric Yoffie: Given the Facts, Israelis Would Also Support the Iran Deal (Haaretz)


Avi Issacharoff: Alleged Jewish Terrorists Help the Islamists Achieve their Goals (Times of Israel)


The above articles reflect a range of opinions and do not reflect the position of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation.





Welcoming our New Israel Campus Fellow and Shinshins

This month, the Milwaukee Jewish Federation's Israel Center, welcomes three very important emissaries to our community.

Israel Campus Fellow 

August 9th, Milwaukee will welcome our first Israel Campus Fellow, Shay Yoos. Shay will work full-time on Milwaukee's eleven campuses, engaging students of all backgrounds in Israel education and travel.

Shay Yoos



Prior to her work in Milwaukee, Shay has been the head of the student union academic department at the "Open University".During her IDF service, she worked in intelligence, reaching the level of sergeant and serving in the office of the main Chief of Staff.

Yoos comes to Milwaukee from Kibbutz Reim, near the Gaza border.






At the end of August, through the Partnership2Gether, Milwaukee will welcome new Shinshins, or young Israel emissaries. Shinshins work with kids around Milwaukee including at synagogue schools, Milwaukee Jewish Day School, the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center and Jewish Beginnings. Shinshins are hosted by Milwaukee families.

Omer Saida   

Omer has been studying communications in the Kadoori school in our partnership region around the Kinneret. He is an avid tennis player and served as a guide in his youth movement B'nai Hamosha vim.    

Orni Bavli  

Orni has been studying chemistry, biology, and agriculture at the Kadoori school. She served as a guide for her youth movement B'nai Hamoshavim, including as a senior guide this past year. She has worked at the Marzipan museum, which focuses on almond growth. She enjoys playing guitar, painting, traveling, and reading.






The missing link:

Amit Yaniv-Zehavi


11 months in the Milwaukee Jewish Community and I felt like something was missing in my experience. The legendary "JCC Interlaken summer camp" was mentioned in many conversations. "You have to go up there!" people said repeatedly and so, the first opportunity I got, I joined the Milwaukee Jewish Federation Partnership2Gether Mifgash youth exchange program and made the 5 hour trip up north to see what all the fuss was about.


So, besides the nature that is incredible up there (bald eagles, deer, waterfalls, sunsets), there was the camp itself. 50 years worth of traditions, handed down through generations of campers still celebrated: prayer by the lake, intensified by gazing at the water, long lines of festive campers holding hands, walking around and saying "Shabbat Shalom" to every single person using eye contact, the huge circle in the field, where we had a kabbalat Shabbat in which all the Israelis were asked to be in the center of the circle, followed by Shabbat dinner & crazy songs in the dining hall. What a special way to celebrate Shabbat, while being surrounded by the next generations. The main thing about it, I felt, was a great energy and underlying statement: "It's cool to be Jewish".


This month I go home to celebrate our son Daniel's kibbutz-class bar mitzvah. On our kibbutz, we also have a long standing tradition in which all in the bar mitzvah class do mitzvot and special assignments all year including a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, first- aid training, beautifying a kibbutz corner for the public, learning from the kibbutz elders, creating a family tree, cooking family recipes, self-portraits and the highlight is a play put on with local talent. Doron (my husband) wrote most of the play and will be the narrator, our kids will sing, dance and act in it and prepare all props. The whole kibbutz community will attend, along with our friends and family from around Israel. This will be a special event and we are all excited.


Then we will fly back for the JCC-Maccabi mega-event. What a transition!

Israel and worldwide Jewry share many of the same values and our traditions stem from them in different ways. I like how each community has developed its own long-lasting traditions that help keep Jewish values alive and relevant. Perhaps, we can learn from each other's traditions and borrow a few ideas, giving a new meaning to cross cultural enrichment.  


Next year, along with our new campus fellow, Shay Yoos along with our 2 new Shinshins: Orni & Omer, we will be a team of 4 Israelis, bringing Israel in many different forms to all ages of the community.

I am looking forward to that & to the actual SUMMER here (unless that's a legend!)





Amit Yaniv-Zehavi

Community Shlichah 


PS Feel free to contact me at




The Israel Center, a department of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, serves as Israel's central address in the greater Milwaukee community. Our mission is to create connections between the people of Israel and Milwaukee through cultural, professional, educational and travel experiences. These connections are developed in part through Shlichut and Partnership2Gether, two programs that are made possible through the Milwaukee Jewish Federation's partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel. Learn more.


Questions? Email or call Rabbi Hannah Greenstein, VP outreach, Israel and overseas, at 414-390-5764.