Conestoga High School

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Issue 10: January 2022

January 7, 2022 Update to T\E Families

Dear T/E Families, 

As we close out the first week of 2022, I am writing to share several important and timely updates related to our schools and COVID-19 mitigation. 

Before I review the details, I would like to thank all our families and students for your support, partnership, and flexibility this week. Please recognize that the current surge in COVID cases has led to an increase in absences for students and staff. This is no one’s fault. We do not want symptomatic individuals or those who have tested positive to come to school. The demands on the staff who have been able to work have increased dramatically, with teachers, administrators, and support staff covering classes and supervising students in addition to their regular responsibilities. Please understand that to remain open, more classes may occur with substitutes and that it may take longer than usual to receive responses to emails and phone calls until the number of cases decreases. 

Vaccine Clinic and Asynchronous Instructional Day for Students and Staff on January 14, 2022 

We have received many requests from staff and parents for another vaccine clinic opportunity and are pleased to announce that Springfield Pharmacy will offer another clinic for TESD staff and students. The clinic will offer both the vaccine (first or second dose) and the booster for those eligible. Students aged 5 and up may participate. The clinic is planned for Friday, January 14 at Valley Forge Middle School from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. To provide this opportunity to as many students and staff as possible, TESD will be switching to a remote-learning, asynchronous instructional day on January 14 and students will not report to school on this day. We hope that supporting this additional clinic next Friday for those seeking the opportunity for a vaccine or a booster will help us maintain our goal of in-person instruction. We will soon share additional details on how to sign up for the clinic, as well as more information about Friday’s asynchronous instruction.  

Temporary Passive Camera Access to Classroom Instruction 

TESD remains committed to in-person learning and we believe our current instructional model is best for our students. As I shared in my last community letter, we have been evaluating options to provide additional support to absent students without changing our instructional model. In addition to posting asynchronous work on Schoology, we will begin offering temporary passive camera access in our classrooms from Tuesday, January 11 –  Monday, January 31 for students who are absent from school.  

Passive camera access will allow absent students to observe classroom instruction remotely. It is a tool to support absent students during the current COVID surge and is not the integrated instructional model we used last year. We do not want this access to distract teachers from delivering the in-person experience, so several parameters will be in place. Below is a summary of the concept: 

  • Absent students may voluntarily log in to observe and listen to the class session, but they will not be able to actively participate during class. The teacher will not hear or call on the remote students. 
  • Teachers will use a fixed camera and the camera will not move during the lesson. 
  • Lesson materials may not be available through teacher screen-sharing during classroom instruction. Students may access classroom materials through Schoology or other established means. 
  • If all students are present in person, the remote camera will not be used for that session. If no students are logged in within the first five minutes of class, the camera will be turned off. 
  • Cameras will only be used by the regular classroom teacher. Cameras will not be used by substitute teachers. 
  • Passive camera access will be available during whole group English language arts and math instruction at the elementary level, during core classes at the middle school level, and during most daily classes at the high school level. 
  • Passive virtual camera access will not count as attendance at school. Students not physically present in school will still be marked absent, and parents must report these absences to the school attendance office daily. 

While we continue to emphasize the importance of in-school instruction, we believe this short-term support may reduce the stress levels of students not attending due to COVID concerns. Last year, when camera participation needed to be more active and in place for a longer period, we did see evidence of decreased student attendance for non-COVID reasons. When school fully re-opened for in-person instruction, some students accustomed to remote camera access experienced greater challenges with re-acclimating to reporting to school on a daily basis. Passive camera access is intended to provide short-term support through this COVID surge and will end on January 31 so we can maintain the momentum for in-person instruction we have established with students this year. Families who wish to remain virtual past this time will be able to enroll in the Brandywine Virtual Academy (BVA). If you are interested in exploring the BVA option, please contact Dr. Anthony DiLella at

Instructions for Passive Camera Access 

Passive camera access will be available through Schoology and Microsoft Teams. Please visit the Passive Camera Access Information webpage for additional instructions. Families are asked to please contact the Family Help Desk for technical assistance or questions regarding passive camera access rather than contacting the classroom teacher. 

Full Virtual Instruction 

We have received some inquiries and requests for a temporary return to full virtual instruction. No health authorities are currently recommending that transition. If that should change, or if the number of staff and student absences becomes unworkable, we are prepared to make that shift rapidly. We consider this a measure of last resort and are deploying all reasonable options to maintain in-person instruction at this time. 

Please note that future emergency closing days this school year will be emergency virtual days with instruction taking place both synchronously and asynchronously. We have details about emergency virtual days available on our website. Thank you again for your continued support of our COVID protocols as we work to keep our schools open for in-person instruction. Have a safe and warm weekend. 


Dr. Richard Gusick 

Superintendent of Schools 

Senior Internship Program


The Senior Internship Program at Conestoga offers seniors in good standing an opportunity to explore an area of career or academic interest during the last four weeks of school before graduation. The Senior Internship dates this year are May 9th through June 3rd.


Seniors must attend Orientation Sessions the first week of January to learn more about the program, followed by other requirements in order to participate in Senior Internship.


All information, materials, deadlines and communication about Senior Internship will be available to students in Schoology.


Important Information for 17 Year-Old Seniors

In July of 2016, the PA State Legislature amended the Child Protective Services Law to include employees who work with children through internships, externships and work-study programs. This means that the Senior Internship Community Sponsors of 17 year-old students must complete the PA Criminal, PA Child Abuse and FBI background checks prior to the start of internship.


Questions may be directed to Jeanne Braun, Program Coordinator, at 610-240-1913 or If you or someone in your company is interested in hosting a Conestoga senior for an internship experience, please contact Jeanne Braun.

Extended Experience Verification Reminder

A reminder to students enrolled in EEPE, please submit the verification form, signed by your EEPE Supervising Adult, and Hours Log through Schoology by next Friday, January 14, 2022.

Attention Junior Parents!

It is our pleasure to invite you to schedule a virtual or in-person post-high school planning conference sometime this winter or spring. In this conference, you will meet with your child and your child’s counselor. We will provide you with a variety of materials and information to help you begin this process. Meetings began on November 29th (parent conference day) and dates may be scheduled through April.  For more information, please open attached documents. We look forward to seeing you! 

Junior Parent Invite Letter

Parent Reflection 21-22

Career Days at Conestoga

It is a tradition that 10th grade parents, working in conjunction with the Student Services office, organize Career Days at Conestoga. Career Days are three days – March 22, 23 & 24 – where professionals come to Conestoga and share their careers, their career paths and what types of jobs are available in their professional fields. Typically, we have about 25-30 speakers in many different professional areas.

If you are a Sophomore parent and interested in being on the Career Days Committee, please reach out to Diane Pancoast at We will need parents to work on speakers, speaker schedules, marketing and hospitality.

Class Parent Meetings


Parents at Conestoga are invited to attend the monthly Class Parent Meetings. It is an opportunity to hear from CHS Administrators and Counselors and get updates on what is happening at school. At this time the parent meetings are being held virtually. The Microsoft Teams links for the January meetings are below. It is preferable to download Microsoft Team on your computer to successfully link to the meeting.


Class of 2025

Chairperson: Deb Delaney,

Meeting Date: Thursday, January 13, 10:00 am

Link to Meeting: Click here to join the meeting



Class of 2024

Chairperson: Diane Pancoast,

Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 11, 10:00 am

Link to Meeting: Click here to join the meeting



Class of 2023

Chairperson: Stacey Pellegrini,

Meeting Date: Thursday, January 20, 10:00 am

Link to Meeting: Click here to join the meeting



Class of 2022

Chairperson: Carrie Erickson,

Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 18, 10:00 am

Link to Meeting: Click here to join the meeting


Winter Sports Update


Winter sports are continuing with their full practice and game schedule. As a reminder, for the first two weeks after Winter Break (Jan 3rd-17th), we are limiting spectators for all indoor sports events to parents and guardians only. This will be true for the home and visiting fans. When our athletes travel, we cannot require the same, as the home venue determines the health and safety protocols. This will allow us to minimize large aggregate crowds during the 14-day window after the holiday. We will be livestreaming all events held in the large gym on our YouTube channel I appreciate your help and support in mitigating the further spread of Covid-19.


Our athletic website is a wonderful source of information regarding Conestoga Athletics:


Traffic Safety Reminders


  • DROP OFF – Parents may drop off in the front of the building using two lanes. The bus circle is available beginning at 7:40AM as an additional drop-off location.
  • PICK UP - Parents may pick up in the front of the building using two lanes. The bus circle is available at 3:00PM for parents to pick up students.
  • Please DO NOT use the Main Lot for drop-off and pick-up as it creates more congestion for our student drivers.
  • Drive slowly and carefully on school drop off areas and nearby roads.
  • Obey all traffic flow patterns and rules of the road DO NOT MAKE ILLEGAL U-TURNS
  • Please be respectful of our neighbors. DO NOT use driveways as a turn around.
  • The Timothy School should not be used as a drop-off/pick-up location.
  • When dropping off and picking up students, please pull all the way up allowing traffic to flow.
  • Discuss pedestrian safety with your kids (use crosswalks/sidewalks, look both ways, don't "walk and text," etc).
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