Dear Students,

This is the time of year when those of us on the Tampa campus wish we were on the LVHN campus.

It is still 90 degrees, despite the Halloween candy being put in the stores. Publix has put out their pumpkin bakery items, and I am sure the Starbuck pumpkin spiced latte will soon follow.

LVHN campus, please enjoy your fall weather and feel free to rub it in, as we are sure to in February.  Whether you are enjoying weather in the 70s or 90s we hope you make time to get outside and do something fun.


Dr. Z and Dr. D

Kira Zwygart MD, FAAFP
Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Deborah DeWaay MD, FACP
Associate Dean, UME
In this section we share changes made based on your feedback!

New computers in Student Study Spaces in CAMLS

We replaced the 3 computers in the student study hall at CAMLS in room 333-A.

New computers in the auditorium 

We installed new, upgraded computers in MDD 230/240 to address your concerns that they were sluggish last year. 


White Coat Ceremony: Sept 8th at 6pm

At the Straz Center for the Performing Arts. Be in the rehearsal room by 5:30pm. You will need to enter the building at the "Stage Door" located on N Macinnes. There will be 2 family informational sessions:

  • SELECT Family Informational Session: 3 PM, MDD 230
  • Family Informational Session (SELECT & Core): 3:45 PM, MDD 240

You may direct any questions regarding the informational sessions to Dr. Zwygart.

More details are in the email sent by Ren

AAMC Matriculating Student Questionnaire (MSQ) due Sept 15 40 students still need to complete this. We are currently at a 77% completion rate. Please finish the questionnaire as soon as possible so you can have 100% completion bragging rights!). If you are an eligible student you will receive a reminder from AAMC on August 15th. If you are missing your unique MSQ link, contact [email protected] directly. More information is in the 2026 Canvas page.

MSPEs: Friday Sept 9th 12:30pm you will receive a task in Archivum to view your MSPE and note any changes you would like into the comments section. You will have 24 hours (until Sept 10th 12:30pm) to complete the task.

All Class Years

Gallery of Specialties - Wednesday, Sept 14th 5:30pm-8pm

This is an opportunity to learn about all the specialties and talk with program directors, dept chairs and other key leaders in the departments. It is also a great way to learn about all the student orgs and interest groups. Students at LVHN or in clinical rotations will be able to join via Teams.

13th Annual Student Symposium - Abstracts Due Friday, Sept 23rd 9am

Abstracts are now being accepted for "Lightning Talk" oral presentations during the 13th Annual Student Symposium (which will be held on Friday, Oct 28th Noon-3:30pm virtually via Teams). MD students must receive permission from their mentors to submit an abstract and to present their findings. Here are:

Click to Submit Your Abstract

Covid Reminder

Please see Issue 1 newsletter for instructions for each campus. Please do not test for covid unless you are 1) symptomatic or 2) 5 days from an exposure. If you test positive but are asymptomatic then you have to quarantine. When in doubt please ask health services on your campus.

We are aware that some students are upset that they have to make up the days when they quarantine for covid. Covid is being treated like all illnesses. We realize that it is very frustrating to have to make up days for something that students don’t have control. But in order for students to meet the requirements of the program they must do a certain amount of training time. This mimics residency. If residents miss more than an allotted amount of time in residency, they have to add time to the end of their training.  

Upcoming Exams

Class of 2026

9/12 – Course 1 Test 2

Class of 2025

9/19 - Course 5 Test 3

9/22 - Course 5 NBME

Class of 2024 Core

9/22 - Obstetrics NBME

9/23 - Primary Care, Internal Medicine, & Pediatrics NBMEs

MS2s, MS3s and MS4s

Complete Mandatory End-of-year Surveys in eValue
This is a friendly reminder to complete the End of Year Surveys. The surveys were administered through eValue and can be found in the College of Medicine Program. Please note, these are mandatory surveys. You can only suspend it if you are returning from an annual leave of absence.

In order to better serve you, please email [email protected] with any inquiries/issues. The Evaluation Team will review your correspondence and will work to resolve your inquiries/issues in a timely manner.

Click here for more info. We appreciate you taking the time to do this, your input will greatly improve our ability to prioritize future programmatic improvements for the college!

*If you don't do your survey you will have to attend a mandatory session!
Complete the survey to avoid getting detention 😉

National Physician Suicide Awareness Day Sept 17th 

Tampa Campus:

Sept 13th at 12pm we are hosting a DIY Mini Succulent Candle event in the student affairs lobby on 4th floor MDD. While supplies last.

LVHN Campus:

Sept 16th the Art & Medicine interest group is collaborating with the Wellness Council to provide students with Succulent Candles & Snacks: “Shine a light. Speak its name”. Details will be sent via email.

The USF Counseling Center has many workshops and therapy groups available, both in person and online. Check out what's available for Fall 2022. 

Serenity/Prayer Room is Now Open

The serenity/prayer room is now open for use! It is in room 202 of MDD.

Wishing Farewell to Amy Phillips!

Last week Dr. Zywgart emailed that Amy Phillips, our Director of Wellbeing, accepted a new position in the College of Nursing and her last day with us is Sept.15th. Thank you for all your support over the years. We will miss you Amy!

Dear Students,


It’s hard to describe the emotions I am feeling as I write this message. Rather than trying to push them away, I will attempt to “feel, deal, heal” like I have suggested to many of you over the years. There are times when I feel excitement for my new adventure, but mostly I feel sadness as I prepare to say goodbye to such an amazing group of people. I also recognize this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the past four years I have spent with MCOM. I thank each of you for trusting me to lead various efforts that I hope were beneficial to your wellbeing. I can not wait to see how wellbeing support continues to evolve and expand following my departure.


Medical school is not an easy journey by any means, but I am in awe of how resilient each and every one of you are. I will miss working with you all, but I am so grateful for the time we have spent together.


With gratitude,



*Want to talk to a PEER? Click HERE to connect with a member of the Peer Support Network!
**Mental health matters. Check out the My SSP program or talk with a USF CounselorHELPS Provider, or Wellness Coach.

MDD Small Group Learning Rooms Unavailable Sept 17th & 18th

The carpets in the SGLs at MDD will be cleaned during the weekend of Sept 17th and 18th. SGLs will not be available for use during that weekend. 

Florida Medical Association Medical Student Section Membership

The Florida Medical Association (FMA) is the premier professional organization for physician leadership, advocacy, patient care, and education in the state. Comprising 25,000 members spanning all specialties, ages, and locales, the FMA is the largest and most influential physician advocate organization in Florida. The FMA protects physicians and our ability to care for our patients by influencing the legal, regulatory, ethical, economic, and public health issues that are most important to us. More info on what medical student members do can be found here. 


The Medical Student Section (FMA MSS) is an integral and vibrant part of the FMA. You can connect with physicians and medical students across the state and exert your influence on the challenges facing the practice of medicine. Membership is free, you can join by clicking here.

Student Scholarships - FMDA's Certificate in Excellence

The Florida Society for Post-Acute and Long-term Care Medicine is offering scholarships to cover tuition for their Leveraging Clinical Staff Engagement - A Certificate of Excellence in PALTC Program. It is a minimum of 20 hours of online training on a virtual platform accessible 24/7. Click for more information.  

I wanted to share what is involved when scheduling our clinical exams. 


Clinical practice exams are used across all 4 years of medical school. Pedagogically, assessment in medical school can be very challenging. When we do assessments in real medical practice, the challenge is that each situation a different. The patient is different. The attending and resident may be different etc. If we do clinical practice exams and attempt to control the variables, the challenge becomes that, despite the amazing work of our simulation team, there is an artificial quality to the exams. That is why medical schools across the country use both assessment methods in their curricula. Although there are always challenges, I am so grateful that we have Dawn Schocken, who is an internationally recognized expert in simulation, leading our team.


When we are scheduling standardized patients (SP) and activities there are many moving parts.    

Despite having a very large SP population, twice the size of any other Florida medical school, there have been ongoing challenges with Covid: SPs getting sick or not being comfortable being an SP. 


We have a large SP group because we deliver more of these experiences than any other school. In addition, our SPs support all USF Health Colleges not just the MD students. Scheduling itself is also complicated since there are multiple MD classes that have overlapping experiences.


Although we try very hard to schedule these experiences for each class, sometimes students have to have a CPX exam or other experience after a multiple choice exam. When this happens we rotate who in the class does this so that it is not the same student each time.


Please know - if we could make it work so that we never do this, we would.

- Dr. DeWaay


It's Elemental! Spotlight on Element 8.5 - Medical Student Feedback

LCME Standard 8, Element 5 (a.k.a. 8.5) requires that “a medical school has formal processes in place to collect and consider medical student evaluations of their courses, clerkships, and teachers, and other relevant information.”

In short, the student perspective is central to both the quality assurance and quality improvement components of our college’s accreditation. 

We receive feedback about student experiences in many ways; some are formal (e.g., ISA and GQ) and others less so (e.g., hallway conversations). Here, we reflect on just a few.

Examples of formal processes in place to collect student feedback include course and clerkship evaluations as well as end-of-year surveys administered by the Office of Assessment and Evaluation. Elected student representatives also collect course and clerkship evaluations from their peers through Qualtrics throughout the academic year. This data is shared at student liaison meetings, where student representatives and DME administration and staff review concerns voiced by students and discuss possible solutions for improving the student experience.

These are just a couple of the examples by which students can have an impact on both the academic and non-academic aspects of our program, both immediately and for future students.

Always striving to improve and provide the best possible experience and outcomes, we incorporate student feedback in an ongoing fashion, although it may not always feel that way. Some changes can be put in place quickly; others require a longer timeline. 

In future LCME updates, we will spotlight Element 12.6 Student Health and Disability Insurance. 

Show Me DeWaay...

When I work with students on the wards and they are struggling with their presentations, the first thing I have them do is to stop using EPIC on their phone for their presentations. Instead I have them go old school and put all of their patients on cards and present from the cards. If you are struggling to learn, please look at how you are taking notes. Studies have shown that writing with pen and paper is far more effective than taking notes on a laptop. Another option (that I have switched to) is using a tablet with a pencil and a notes program. I find I get the same memory benefit without carrying around all of the notebooks.  

Movie Recommendation

If you need a really silly movie with laughs to keep your mind off of life for a few minutes here is a recommendation.

It is NOT deep and meaningful. It does play better with popcorn and something tasty for dessert. 

Past issues:  July - Issue 1 | August - Issue 2

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