It's A Wrap

News from Laguna Beach Unified School District, its teachers, students, staff and Board of Education.

December 16, 2022

LBUSD Board of Education holds its annual organizational meeting

The Laguna Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) Board of Education held its annual organizational meeting on Thursday evening to elect officers and approve meeting dates for the 2023 calendar year. The board elected its slate of officers as follows:

  • Jan Vickers, President
  • Kelly Osborne, Clerk
  • Jim Kelly, Ph.D., Member
  • Joan Malczewski, Ph.D., Member
  • Dee Perry, Member

During the 2022 candidate filing period, only three candidates filed to fill three open positions for the LBUSD Board of Education. As such, no election was held for the district. Newly appointed Members Joan Malczewski, Ph.D., and James Kelly, Ph.D., took their oath of office at the meeting. Member Dee Perry was not in attendance and will take her oath of office at a later date.

The Board of Education holds its regular meetings on Thursdays, starting at 6 p.m. However, the weekday and start time may be adjusted and, if so, will be reflected on the posted Board Meeting Calendar and the agenda for the meeting. Meetings will be held at Thurston Middle School Library on 2100 Park Avenue in Laguna Beach, California.

2023 Board of Education Meeting Dates

Laguna Beach USD celebrates its employees of the year

Pictured above (left to right): Dale Miller, Jeffrey Dixon, Irene White, Mindy Hawkins, Jason Allemann, Ed.D., Sarah Hopper, Michael Conlon, and Jason Viloria, Ed.D.

Pictured above (left to right): Jason Viloria, Ed.D., Michael Conlon, Irene White, Jason Allemann, Ed.D., Amy Tingirides, Thasa Zuziak, Dale Miller, Sara Hopper, Brian Carlson, and Jeffrey Dixon.

It's the most wonderful time of the year - when we announce our district employees of the year! Superintendent Jason Viloria, Ed.D. and Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Michael Conlon announced the LBUSD classified employee and teacher of the year at the annual all-staff holiday open house.

Mindy Hawkins, a special education teacher at Laguna Beach High School (LBHS), was selected as the Teacher of the Year. LBHS Transition Services Coordinator Amy Tingirides was selected as the Classified Employee of the Year. In addition, the following individuals were recognized as classified division employee of the year winners:

  • Missy Palino, LBHS Receptionist & Counseling Assistant, Clerical and Admin Services
  • Alex Garcia, El Morro Elementary Custodian, and John Gonzalez, LBHS Maintenance, Custodial/Maintenance/Nutrition & Security Services 
  • Dori Bunting, LBHS Instructional Aide, Paraprofessional and Instructional Assistance 

School district staff celebrate end of year at annual holiday open house

The LBUSD Department of Human Resources hosts an annual holiday open house to recognize employees of the year and school district staff ahead of the winter break. On Wednesday, teachers and school staff gathered at Top of the World Elementary for hors d'oeuvres, refreshments, and prize drawings from our community partners. Thank you to this year's sponsors: 230 Restaurant; AFE Sports; Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo; Avila's El Ranchito; CSEA; Festival of Arts - Pageant of the Masters; GST; Harbottle Law Group; LaBUFA; Laguna Art Museum; Painting & Decor; RDM Electric Co.; Ruby's Diner; Ruhnau Clarke; Schools First Federal Credit Union; Surf and Sand; The Drake; The Ranch; and Wahoo's Fish Taco.

LBUSD teachers collaborate to create engaging and relevant lessons

LBUSD is transforming the student learning experience with a process for teachers to create relevant and authentic units of study. Centered around a driving question that addresses a real-world problem, the redesigned unit lessons will encourage student inquiry and facilitate experiential learning. Teachers and school counselors across all grade levels, K-12, are exploring everything from teaching writing through history and conflict mediation to sustainability.

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Board approves positive certification of First Interim Report

Local educational agencies are required to file two reports during a fiscal year (interim reports) on the status of the educational agency's financial health. The interim reports must include a certification of whether or not the agency will be able to meet its financial obligations; the certifications are classified as positive, qualified, or negative. A positive certification is assigned when the district will meet its financial obligations for the current and two subsequent fiscal years. At the December 15 meeting, the board took action to approve a positive certification of the First Interim Financial Report for 2022-2023.

First Interim Report

New statewide program provides work-based learning opportunities for students while in high school

At its regular meeting on December 15, the board took action to accept the Orange County Department of Education (OCDE)'s K-16 Regional Education Collaboratives Grant award. The grant program will fund a Work Based Learning Technician that will support the LBUSD Coordinator of Career Education to develop more work-based learning opportunities for students while in high school and as they transfer to post-secondary education, with the goal of becoming career ready and securing a living wage job. 

Board accepts gifts and donations totaling nearly $85,000

The Board took action to accept gifts totaling nearly $85,000 on Thursday evening, with the largest sums donated to Laguna Beach High School from the California Community Foundation ($47,668.66) and Schoolpower ($34,406.46). Schoolpower funds will support athletics tournaments, events, and training equipment. California Community Foundation funds will be used to update audio/visual equipment in the high school quad.

Review of Board Policies

In the last two years, the board has reviewed all Board Policies to revise existing ones and adopt new ones as needed. Since June 2022, the board has reviewed a total of 27 policies.

View Board Policies

Watch the Board Meeting

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 2023, at 6 p.m. Visit for more information.

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