Indiana Dairy Producers E-Newsletter
IDP in Motion Column: Talking Cows – and People
As a dairy farmer, I am often asked about the cows which are of course at the heart of our business. Yet discussing the people of the dairy industry is also very important. While dairy farmers are currently enjoying being paid more for our milk, the impact of inflation on all aspects of a dairy are real - especially as labor costs continue push upward. Helping dairy farms be able to find and keep good workers is a focus for IDP. We are advocating for guest worker legislation that protects current workers and helps create a year-round source of employees. It is important to ask our elected officials to be part of the solution and educating our Indiana Senators in Washington D.C. about the impact this legislation can have back here at home in Indiana.
Know that as an IDP member, we are working to make progress on issues that matter to your operation. Being connected to each other is important, and this newsletter is full of useful information and keep you in touch with industry matters.
Thanks for your support of IDP and stay cool the best you can in this heat. I hope to see you at the Indiana State Fair and at our Family Day on August 27 at the Kuehnert Farm!
Steve Obert, Executive Director
Our Vision: To Make Indiana the most desirable state in which to produce milk.
Mission Statement
To promote a profitable, positive, professional image of
dairy producers while providing educational opportunities
for the interchange of ideas and to speak as a proactive voice
for Indiana dairy producers.
Calendar of Events
- July 13th: IDP Board Meeting
July 29-August 21: Indiana State Fair (closed Mon/Tues)
- September 21st: IDP Board Meeting
- September 23rd & 30th: IMPPA & IDP Educational Sessions
- November 9th: Partners Luncheon
- Feb. 7th-8th (2023): IDP Forum
In This Issue
Sponsor Spotlight
Scoop Up Fair Fun
Industry Insights
IDP Member Moments
Mission In Action
Research Participants Neded
Sponsor Spotlight: American Dairy Association Indiana
Partnerships are important, and we appreciate working together with the American Dairy Association Indiana (ADIA) who is an IDP Diamond Sponsor. Learn more below and be sure to sign up to volunteer at the Indiana State Fair!
ADIA is the checkoff and promotional organization for the state of Indiana, created to build sales and trust in dairy. ADAI has partnered with Indiana Dairy Producers (IDP) since its inception, which has allowed for coordinated efforts on behalf of dairy farm families while remaining focused on each organization's respective missions. ADAI serves to educate the public about dairy farming and nutrition but cannot contribute to policy or legislation matters due to the USDA charter.
IDP provides a forum through which dairy farmers can discuss important policy issues with legislators and government agencies, working towards a desirable business environment for dairy foods and farming in the state. Our open dialogue and support allow us to meet challenges and seize opportunities together, representing all Indiana dairy farmers. ADAI is proud to contribute to and work closely with IDP to continue their work for Indiana dairy producers.
Scoop Up Fair Fun: Volunteers Needed at Indiana State Fair
The Ice Cream Parlor in historic Pioneer Village is an extension of the American Dairy Association Indiana Dairy Bar and a way for Indiana State Fair attendees to experience dairy foods in a unique setting. With daily demonstrations and sitting right beside the barn housing a dairy calf, it’s a way to show visitors where their favorite dairy foods come from when they visit the fair. We are proud to partner with the Pioneer Village for another year of ice cream and milk in the parlor! Volunteers are needed throughout the fair.
Link here to be part of the Fair fun while supporting the Indiana Dairy Industry.
Industry Insights: BOAH Shares New Options for Dead Animal Disposal
Disposing of animal carcasses is always a challenge. Beginning in July, Hoosier livestock producers will have a new option, as well as new guidance for old standards. We appreciate the Board of Animal Health (BOAH) sharing this timely information. Link here to learn the new methods and updates for your operation.
IDP Member Moments: Young Producer Winner Greg Brawner Represents 4th Generation, Values IDP Connections
Being in the dairy business is a family affair, often across generations. Gregory Brawner is our Young Producer of the Year and represents the fourth generation on the family’s Holstein dairy operation in Hanover, Indiana.
A Purdue University graduate, Greg partners with his parents to run their dairy farm and is focused on continual improvement. Currently milking 250 cows, a unique factor of this operation is that they are an organic dairy. Greg notes that regardless of dairy type, the same hard work ethic is needed. He shares their biggest hurdle is the need to make better yields with crops. One improvement that made a significant difference was the purchase of baleage equipment which has been a big-time saver with excellent quality. While they run their operation with family plus one hired milker who has been with them for decades, he knows labor is a key issue and being able to hire good help especially at harvest time is a need for all.
When asked about being an IDP member, Greg cites several reasons. “We’re always looking for education to learn more, and making connections is very important,” he says. He hopes to share knowledge as well so others can benefit from their experience.
Along with his wife, Erin, he enjoys raising three small children on the farm. Link here to learn more about Greg’s perspective on the important life lessons he has learned on the farm and looks forward to passing to his own children.
Thanks, Greg, for being an IDP member!
Mission in Action: Meet Our Kuehnert Scholarship Winner Audrey Knoper
Careers in agriculture and broadly related fields are critical for the growth of the dairy industry. We are proud to enable students to achieve their dreams as we provide a $1,000 scholarship for post-secondary education to a deserving student. Audrey is the inaugural winner of this Kuehnert scholarship.
Congratulations to Audrey Knoper, our 2022 winner! Passionate about dairy cattle from a young age, Audrey currently owns eight head of registered Holsteins and has been involved in caring for dairy cattle her entire life. She enjoys showing her dairy animals at the Boone County Fair and Indiana State Fair, achieving numerous honors such as multiple Supreme Championships, Indiana 4-H Dairy Judging State Contest Champion, Indiana Outstanding Dairy Producer Contest Champion, Indiana 4-H Accomplishment Scholarship Recipient, and Indiana Holstein Bred and Owned Champion.
Audrey is also an award-winning runner, setting school records and earning a running scholarship to the University of Georgia. She graduated at the top of her class at Western Boone High School and has been active in community service and helping tell the story of agriculture. With people like Audrey involved in the dairy industry, our future is bright!
Link here to learn what Audrey believes is the biggest challenge facing the dairy industry.
Industry Insights: More Reasons to Focus on Calf Health
For the last several years, Purdue University’s Dr. Jackie Boerman has been researching the long-term effects of early life events for dairy calves. Her team’s goal is to figure out what matters when it comes to raising calves to focus management in those areas. This research provides compelling evidence to continue to focus on the health of those calves in order to make productive cows. Link here to read Dr. Boerman’s findings.
Research Participants Needed for Colostrum Management Study
Jessica Kern is a Master’s student at Purdue University conducting a colostrum management study, and she is looking for farms that have dairy and dairy-beef cross calves on their farms to participate. This study consists of a short online survey and an on-farm visit to collect blood samples from 24 calves to test for serum total protein – which is a measure of passive transfer of immunity.
Farms on the study will receive a report of their individual serum total protein results within one week of collecting the samples. At the conclusion of the study, farms will receive a report of how their results align with the rest of the study population. Responses to the survey and individual results will remain anonymous. If you are interested in participating or want more information, email or use the QR code to take the survey.
Individual membership in the Indiana Dairy Producers is $50. Encourage your dairy farming friends to join IDP! Also, any individual who is not a dairy producer but would still like to support IDP can join as an associate member. Download a membership/associate brochure here.
We appreciate our industry supporters. They make it possible for IDP to support the dairy industry in many ways. If your company is interested in finding ways to join IDP, download an information sheet here.
Diamond Sponsors
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Platinum Sponsors
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Gold Sponsors
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Silver Sponsors
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Board of Directors
Executive Director
Steve Obert
Arie Jan de Jong, President
Carrie Jo Bollenbacher, Vice President
Emily Hoeing, Secretary
Jackie Boerman, Executive Treasurer
Board Members
Alex Lueken
Amy Weaver
Henk Sevenhuysen
Krent Frauhiger
Roger Hibschman
Aaron Claycamp
Industry Advisers
Chris Moore
Sarah Wagler
Steve Howell
Todd Janzen, Attorney
Zach Allen
Tanya Westfall, Executive Assistant
Visit Our Bronze Sponsors
(Click the bronze button)
IDP Corporate Sponsors
There is a growing list of companies that recognize IDP's value to Indiana's dairy industry. Please visit our list of companies that have become Corporate Sponsors for only $100. If you know of a company that may have an interest in supporting IDP at some level, please download a brochure here.
Contact Chris Moore
For free insurance consultation and quotes on your farm and agribusiness Insurance needs! IDP members receive an exclusive discount on SECURA Insurance.
Chris Moore
Indiana Dairy Producers
7826 S 550 E
Fort Branch, IN 47648
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