The Emanuel Synagogue
160 Mohegan Drive,
West Hartford, CT 06117
860-236-1275 -

It's Happening on Shabbat at The Emanuel Synagogue

Shabbat & YOM KIPPUR

Fri & Sat, Oct. 11-12, 2024

10 Tishrei 5785

REMINDER: Please park in the rear parking lot and enter via the Main Entrance under the blue canopy.

Todah Rabbah to Faith Helene and Judy Silver for generously donating the bimah flowers for Yom Kippur

PLEASE NOTE: During the afternoon break on Yom Kippur Day, the Ark will be open for those wishing to pray privately before the Ark

We Remember During Shloshim:

Stefany Mitlak, Judith Siegal, Myron Halpin, Michael Samuel Levy


Mark Asmar, Rev. Jacob Baker, Bessie Bergman, Freda Blackman, Sidney Brick, Arnold Chasen, Mel Feldman, Marilyn Gidez, Naiman Goldberg, Dorothy Goldberger, Sprintza Kernberg, Terry Marcus, William Rosenberg, Howard Scheinblum, Jacob Serotte, Max Silverman, Fagal Small, Leah Small, Rachel Small, Shana Small, Yentel Small, Yeta Wiegel

To arrange for a loved one's name to be announced from the bimah on Shabbat, contact The Emanuel office: (860) 236-1275 #116 by 11 am on Friday

To access all Yom Kippur and Shabbat services on livestream


Rabbi Philip Lazowski will chant the Book of Jonah and will give a sermon on the Book of Jonah during Mincha on

Yom Kippur Day


Leilah Rosen returns to lead Teen Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur daytime Family Services

Weekday Minyan

All services in person & Zoom

Morning Minyan

Sun-Mon (Oct. 13-14): 8:00 am

Tues-Wednesday (Oct. 15-16): 7:00 am

Thurs-Fri (Oct. 17-18): Sukkot services, 9:00 am

Evening Minyan

Sun - Wed (Oct. 13-16):

5:45 pm

Thurs (Oct. 17) Sukkot services, 6:45pm

Upcoming Events:

Oct. 13 & 16: No Religious School

Oct. 13: Weekly Walk for Israel: Sen. Blumenthal to join rally for hostages, 9:30 am, Bishop's Corner WH Library

Oct. 15: Book Club, "The Stranger in the Lifeboat," by Mitch Albom, 11:00am

Oct. 16: Erev Sukkot

Oct. 17-18: Sukkot I and Sukkot II

Oct. 19: Chapel Minyan, 9:30am

Oct. 20: Religious School, 9am; Pizza in the Hut at noon

Oct. 20: Sisterhood Program with State Reps. Farrar & Gilchrest,

9 am

Oct. 21: Brotherhood Paid-Up Membership Dinner and Scotch in the Sukkah 6pm

Oct. 23: Hoshanah Rabbah

Oct. 24: Shemini Atzeret, services 9 am; Yizkor, 11am

Oct. 24: Erev Simchat Torah!!

The Emanuel Synagogue 860-236-1275