The Emanuel Synagogue
160 Mohegan Drive,
West Hartford, CT 06117
860-236-1275 -

It's Happening on Shabbat at The Emanuel Synagogue

Shabbat/Chol Hamoed Sukkot

Fri & Sat, Oct. 18-19, 2024

17 Tishrei 5785

REMINDER: Please park in the rear parking lot and enter via the Main Entrance under the blue canopy.

Friday, Oct. 18

Evening Services

In Person* or ZOOM

Services held in the Chapel

5:45 pm: Student Rabbi Alex Friedman will lead evening services and will share a Thought for Shabbat

5:46 pm: Candles

An Oneg Shabbat will follow in the Sukkah

We Remember During Shloshim:

Stefany Mitlak, Judith Siegal, Myron Halpin


Lillie Abramson, Sol Boardman, Serenie Cohen, Nathan Fox, Arthur Gans, Michael Goldberg, Belle Grodinsky, Zelda Gruber, Hyman Israel, Sidney Katz, Leah Kinas, Natan Kinas, Isaac Klein, Blanche Klein, Louis Kraft, Harry Lechowetsky, Joan Lenkiewicz, Kurt Levy, Erma Macy, Lewis Mazur, Joseph Nestor, Hyman Siegel, Louis Zuch, Shirley Zwecker

To arrange for a loved one's name to be announced from the bimah on Shabbat, contact The Emanuel office: (860) 236-1275 #116 by 11 am on Friday

Saturday, Oct. 19

9:00 am Morning Services

In Person, Zoom or Livestream


Receiving Aliyot & Blessings:

Beth S. Goldberg, in memory of her sister, Judith Sandra Lee Duftler

Rabbi Steven Chatinover will receive the Maftir aliyah and chant the Haftara

Student Rabbi Alex Friedman will share a sermon

Kiddush Sponsored by:

Lee & Monica Gold & Family

Evening Service

in person or ZOOM

6:00 pm: Mincha/Maariv/

Havdalah will be led by Hazzan Moshe Pinchover and Student Rabbi Alex Friedman who will share a Thought for Shabbat

6:42 pm:


Weekday Minyan

All services in person & Zoom

Morning Minyan

Sun (Oct. 20): 8:00 am

Mon - Wed (Oct. 21-23): 7:00 am

Thurs-Fri (Oct. 24-25) Sukkot Services 9:00 am

Evening Minyan

Sun - Tues (Oct. 20-22): 5:45pm

Wed-Thurs (Oct. 23-24) 5:30pm

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Upcoming Events:

Oct. 20:

-9am: Sisterhood Program with State Reps. Farrar and Gilchrest, -9 am: Religious School

-10:30am: JTConnect

-12pm: Pizza in the Hut for children and families

Oct. 23: Hoshanah Rabbah; No Religious School

Oct. 24: Shemini Atzeret, 9am Services, 11 am: Yizkor

Oct. 24: Erev Simchat Torah

--5:15 pm: Light children & family supper, 5:30 pm: Mincha/Maariv; 6:00 pm,Hakafot

Oct. 25: Simchat Torah

-9 am Singing and dancing with the Torah Scrolls; group Torah honors for all

--Kiddush lunch after services

--Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv 5:30 pm

--Candlelighting 5:36 pm

The Emanuel Synagogue 860-236-1275