The Emanuel Synagogue
160 Mohegan Drive,
West Hartford, CT 06117
860-236-1275 -

It's Happening on Shabbat

at The Emanuel Synagogue


Fri & Sat, March 14-15, 2025

15 Adar 5785

Parashat Ki Tisa

REMINDER: Please park in the rear parking lot and enter via the Main Entrance under the blue canopy.

Friday, March 14

Evening Services

In Person and Zoom

6:00 pm: Mincha/Kabbalat/


6:38 pm: Shabbat candles

Hazzan Daniella Risman will lead Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv.

An Oneg Shabbet reception follows services in the Beth Hillel Community Room.

To arrange for a loved one's name to be announced from the bimah on Shabbat, contact The Emanuel office: (860) 236-1275 #116 by 11:00am on Friday.

We Remember During Shloshim:

Maxine Adams, Joan Feldman, Ian Richard Grande, Dore Gold, Shirley Morrison, Deborah Rome, and Connie Tonken.

We Remember on their Yahrzeits:

Ida Bernstein, Louis Clare, Lena Cohen, Samuel Cutler, Philip Davidoff, Joel Filizian, Myer I. Friedman, Rabbi Mayer Isserman, Betty S. Jays, Mayer Kotkin, Hyman Levin, John McDonnell, Charles Podnetsky, Adele Goldwin Pondfield, Samuel Renert, Martin Rothbaum, Sarah C. Segal, Miriam Sigal, Glenn Strahs, Arthur Leonard Topol, Charles Toretsky, Minnie Toretsky, Dr. E. Richard Weinerman, and Shirley Basch Weinerman.

Saturday, March 15

9:00 am Morning Services

In Person, Zoom or Livestream

Hazzan Daniella Risman will lead morning services.

David Medvedovski will lead the Torah Service.

Hazzan Moshe Pinchover will read the Torah.

Receiving Aliyot & Blessings:

Jeffrey Rosenstein, Steven Rosenstein, and Susan (Lori) Rosenstein; in honor of the first yahrzeit of Joyce Rosenstein and their sponsoring of Kiddush.

Rabbi David Small will share a Thought for Shabbat.

Kiddush is Sponsored by:

The Rosenstein Family in honor of Joyce Rosenstein on her first yahrzeit.

Evening Service

in person or ZOOM

6:45 pm: Mincha/Maariv/Havdalah

will be led by Hazzan Moshe Pinchover.

7:37 pm: Havdalah

Weekday Minyan

All services in person & Zoom

Morning Minyan

Sun, March 16: 8:00am

Mon-Fri, March 17 - 21: 7:00am

Evening Minyan

Sun-Thur, March 16 - 20: 6:45pm

Sisterhood looks forward to seeing our wonderful Emanuel Synagogue family be present during this special Shabbat morning and enjoy the Kiddush luncheon following the service! Learn more

Next Session: March 23 @ 8:30am

Register Here

Upcoming Events:

March 15: Shabbat Story Time with Melissa Poulin;

March 16: Sisterhood Domestic Violence Program

March 19: Exploring Judaism

March 20: Hadas Cohen Israel and Jews in America

March 22: Sisterhood Shabbat, Tot Shabbat, Family Services with 6th graders reading Torah

March 23: The Art of Meaning & Pirkei Avot with Alex Friedman

March 27: The Women's Seder

April 13: Emanuel's Second Seder

Next Session:

Wed. 3/19 at 7:30pm

Led by Alan Landerman and Jeremy Rubock

Register Here

For Emanuel's Table sponsorship

opportunities, contact:

Jacob Schreiber,

Executive Director, Email,

(860) 236-1275 x 118

The Emanuel Synagogue 860-236-1275
