The Emanuel Synagogue
160 Mohegan Drive,
West Hartford, CT 06117
860-236-1275 -

It's Happening on Shabbat

at The Emanuel Synagogue


Fri & Sat, March 7-8, 2025

8 Adar 5785

Parashat Tetzaveh

Shabbat Zachor

REMINDER: Please park in the rear parking lot and enter via the Main Entrance under the blue canopy.

Friday, March 7

Evening Services

In Person and Zoom

5:30 pm: Shabbat candles

5:00 pm: Mincha

5:15 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat/ Ma'ariv

Hazzan Daniella Risman and Student Rabbi Alex Friedman will lead Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv, featuring:

The Pre-K, K, 1st, and 2nd Grade classes.

6:15 pm: Community Shabbat Dinner

(pre-registration required).

Don't forget to register for Thursday night's Purim Festivities "A Very Wicked Purim!"

We Extend Condolences to:

The family of

Connie Tonken.

Graveside funeral will be held Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 11:00 am at the

Emanuel Synagogue Cemetery,

1361 Berlin Turnpike,

Wethersfield, CT.

Please consider coming to help make a minyan so that Kaddish may be recited.

We Remember During Shloshim:

Ian Richard Grande, Shirley Morrison, Deborah Rome, and Adrienne (Udis) Rosenblatt.


Isadore Berger, Michael Louis Bogoratt, Jay Cramer, Miriam Elfenbaum, Leonard Feldman, Sylvia Glassman, Lucile Goldman, Robert Gordon, Beverly Halpin, Dr. Robert Karotkin, Abraham Korman, Marvin Lasher, Estelle Levy, Sophie Zakium Philips, Edith Rosenberg, Rebecca Selden, William Singer, Arthur Stillpass, Murray H. Stuart, Julius Weinstein, and William Ziplow.

To arrange for a loved one's name to be announced from the bimah on Shabbat, contact The Emanuel office: (860) 236-1275 #116 by 11:00am on Friday.

Saturday, March 8

9:00 am Morning Services

In Person, Zoom or Livestream

Student Rabbi Alex Friedman and Hazzan Daniella Risman will lead morning services.

Rabbi David Small will recite special blessings during the Torah services. Hazzan Moshe Pinchover will read the Torah.

Receiving Aliyot & Blessings:

Bruce and Sue Bergman, in honor of their 56th wedding anniversary; Yinon Levy; in honor of his Bar Mitzvah anniversary and birthday.

Eric Schulwolf will receive the Maftir aliyah and chant Haftarah.

Student Rabbi Alex Friedman will share a sermon.

Chapel Minyan begins at 9:30!

Kiddush is Sponsored by:

Sue and Bruce Bergman in honor of their 56th anniversary.

Evening Service

in person or ZOOM

5:45 pm: Mincha/Maariv/Havdalah

will be led by Hazzan Moshe Pinchover, Student Rabbi Alex Friedman, and Rabbi David Small.

6:29 pm: Havdalah

Sunday morning after Minyan, join Student Rabbi Alex Friedman for:


Morning Minyan

Sun, March 9: 8:00am

8:30am The Art of Meaning & Pirkei Avot

Mon-Fri, March 10 - 14: 7:00am

Evening Minyan

Sun-Wed, March 9 - 12: 6:45pm

Thurs, March 13: 5:30pm

Followed by Megillat Esther

Sisterhood looks forward to seeing our wonderful Emanuel Synagogue family be present during this special Shabbat morning and enjoy the special Kiddush luncheon following the service!

Upcoming Events:

Mar 7: Community Shabbat Dinner

March 9: The Art of Meaning & Pirkei Avot with Alex Friedman; Unity Purim Carnival

Mar 13: Megillah Reading & Purim Celebration; A Very Wicked Purim - Register Here

March 14: Purim Services/Megillah Reading begins at 7 A.M.

March 15: Shabbat Story Time with Melissa Poulin, Shabbat Club

March 16: Sisterhood Domestic Violence Program

March 19: Exploring Judaism

March 20: Hadas Cohen Israel and Jews in America

March 22: Sisterhood Shabbat, Tot Shabbat, Family Services

Emanuel Hosts

Community-wide Purim Celebration: Register HERE

The Emanuel Synagogue 860-236-1275
