The Emanuel Synagogue
160 Mohegan Drive,
West Hartford, CT 06117
860-236-1275 -

It's Happening on Shabbat at The Emanuel Synagogue


Fri & Sat, Sept. 27-28, 2024

25 Elul 5784

Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech

REMINDER: Please park in the rear parking lot and enter via the Main Entrance under the blue canopy.

Friday, Sept. 27

Evening Services

In Person* or ZOOM

Services to be held in the Banks Garden

6:00 pm: Mincha, Kabbalat Shabbat & Maariv will be led by Doni Shmuel

Hazzan Daniella Risman will share a Thought for Shabbat

6:20 pm:

Candle Lighting

An oneg Shabbat will follow services in the Beth Hillel Community Room (BHCR)

We Extend Condolences to:

Heidi Siegal Kogon (Stephen); Jed Siegal (Rachel); and their entire family on the passing of Heidi's and Jed's mother, Judith (Beck) Siegal

We Remember During Shloshim:

Myron Halpin, America Magalhaes De Oliveira, Michael Samuel Levy, Judy Bryce Hoffman


Helen Adler, Russell Baline, Albert Berger, Jennie Berman, Simon Berman, Rochela Blocher, Ben Caplan, Eileen Cohn, Celia Fagin, Roslyn Fagin, Harris Finberg, Sydney Fineberg, Isadore Firestone, Sidney Fish, Shirley Kaplan, Cecile Rifkin, Bertha Shapiro, William Weinstein

To arrange for a loved one's name to be announced from the bimah on Shabbat, contact The Emanuel office: (860) 236-1275 #116 by 11 am on Friday

Saturday, Sept.28

9:00 am Morning Services

In Person, Zoom or Livestream

Hazzan Daniella Risman will lead Services

Torah Readers:

Rabbi Marc Rudolph and Emanuel/UHartford Student Intern Tali Lichtenfeld

Receiving Aliyot & Blessings:

Jeff Adler, in memory of his father on his 50th yahrzeit & his mother, on her yahrzeit; Elliot Fierberg, in honor of his birthday

Rabbi Philip Lazowski will receive the Maftir aliyah, introduce and chant the Haftara from the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs' special Haftara Scroll, which has travelled around North America to Men's Clubs and Brotherhoods. The scroll was created in Israel by a group of master scribes and contains all the Haftarot with vowels and trope.

Rabbi Marc Rudolph will share a sermon

Tali Lichtenfeld will lead Musaf


Kiddush Sponsored by:

The Emanuel Synagogue

Evening Service

in person or ZOOM

6:30 pm: Mincha/Maariv/

Havdalah will be led by Hazzan Moshe Pinchover

He will also share a Thought for Shabbat

7:16 pm:


Weekday Minyan

All services in person & Zoom

Morning Minyan

Sun (Sept. 29):

8 am

Mon - Wed (Sept. 30-Oct. 3): 7 am

Evening Minyan

Sun - Wed

(Sept. 29-Oct. 2):

6:15 pm

Oct. 3-4: Click to see Rosh Hashanah schedule ((((c (

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, Sept. 28 Selichot

Join the community-wide Selichot program and service, this year at B'nai Tikvoh Sholom, Still Road, Bloomfield. Program: 8:00 pm/Service: 9:30pm

Sept. 29: 1 pm, Emanuel Cemetery Service

Oct. 2: Erev Rosh Hashanah, Services, 6:00 pm

Oct. 3-4: Rosh Hashanah, Services begin at 8:30am

Oct. 3: Correction! Tashlich is Oct. 3

  • 3:30 pm: Town Forest Park, Simsbury,
  • 4:30pm: Trout Brook, WH

Oct. 6: 12 pm, Beth Hillel Cemetery Service

Oct. 6: Religious School special Tashlich program

Oct. 7: Community-wide Oct. 7 commemoration

The Emanuel Synagogue 860-236-1275