August 2023 Newsletter

Dear Marci,


As of this writing, we have all seen the horrific wildfires on the island of Maui, destroying the historic village of Lahaina and displacing thousands of people. This tragedy will likely see a larger loss of life than the 2018 Camp Fire that destroyed the town of Paradise here in our state. Many in Maui are still missing and without communication available – it will take time to report out.


What is clear is that climate change has once again left us an indelible message.


As Chair of the San Mateo County Emergency Services Council, I believe our emergency preparedness and response is paramount. It is a priority of our new Health Officer (see below). And we know – from the past decade – not only do we need to prepare for earthquakes, but also from wildfires. We all remember the CZU fire a few years ago and its destruction on our coast.


It is a good time to remind everyone of what to do in an emergency – and this website is a good start.


I know it’s a special time with summer over and back-to-school, but please consider helping those in Maui – a few ways are listed here.


San Mateo County is hosting a series of listening sessions and a survey to hear directly from residents about their experiences and needs on issues of housing and homelessness, children and families, emergency preparedness, and mental health.


These sessions will inform how the County allocates Measure K (countywide half-cent sales tax) funds. If you cannot attend one of the sessions, take this survey! To learn more about Measure K, click here.


Thank you for taking a moment to read our August newsletter. And if you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.




Warren Slocum

Visit our website for more news and information!



Our Board of Supervisors has long been committed to bringing more affordable housing to our residents. Our work through Home for All to improve the jobs-housing gap and our working together to end homelessness are examples of this priority.


And our commitment continues strong. At our August 1 Board meeting, the Board awarded nearly $30 million to build affordable housing. These projects will provide 483 units across the County from Daly City to Menlo Park. And they illustrate the breadth of our pledge to build, preserve and protect housing that is affordable to families and individuals in our County. In District 4, we funded a project in North Fair Oaks for 86 units of supportive housing at 429 MacArthur Avenue.


You can read more about the Affordable Housing Fund 11.0 awards here.



There are three proposed developments coming to District 4 on the El Camino Real that I’d like to bring to your attention:

  • Alta Housing is developing 51 units of affordable housing for seniors at 2801 El Camino Real – much needed with our growing senior population. 
  • A new 69-unit hotel is being proposed at 2567 El Camino Real. It will span 3 parcels and include 51 above-ground parking spaces.
  • A four-story mixed-use development is proposed at 2875 El Camino Real, which would include research & development and office space on three floors, and 4 units of residential apartments on the top floor, and an underground garage.


I will keep you updated as plans for each of these moves forward. 



As reported last month, the Board of Supervisors approved the Middlefield Road Small Business Assistance Program with a $985,000 grant fund to support small businesses along Middlefield Road in North Fair Oaks. This came about from conversations and meetings held with the small businesses who reported on the hardships they faces as a result of the pandemic, changing workforce, and ongoing construction on Middlefield Road that was greatly delayed due to the winter storms.


I am happy to report some good news. Currently 72 of the 98 businesses have received their first round of relief grants. A huge thank you to our Office of Community Affairs whose staff has been working tirelessly to get the eligible and qualifying businesses the help they need. Each of these businesses will receive up to $10,000 in grants – in two payments.


You can help in these businesses – have a breakfast, lunch or dinner at one of the nearly 40 restaurants on Middlefield Road. Pick up an ice cream or some baked goods. Choose to dine in or pickup. Here is a list of businesses – many in this construction corridor.


Follow the progress of the Middlefield Road Improvement Project here.



Casa Circulo Cultural is an amazing non-profit who has received district-discretionary Measure K funding for their important work. Their mission is to provide creative, educational, and recreational opportunities for Hispanic immigrants and their families in San Mateo County and beyond, while promoting leadership, teamwork and social responsibility. In short, they are a trusted resource to North Fair Oaks youth and their families. This month, they took students on a weekend camping trip to Memorial Park to see the great outdoors. For many, if not all, it was their first time camping – and they especially enjoyed splashing in the streams and a smores basket send courtesy of my office! Casa Circulo even held a Camping 101 workshop prior to the trip to teach the students how to pitch a tent, test out sleeping pads and learn about wash basins in campsites – they even tested some dry foods. Thank you for your meaningful work with our youth in the community Casa Circulo!


Crop Report: At our August 1 Board meeting, San Mateo County Agricultural Commissioner Koren Widdel presented the 2022 Crop Report. Noting that drought still remains a factor for growers and ranchers, some have switched to crops that can be dry farmed, such as dry beans, grain and hay. Livestock has increased, and to a lesser extent, so has fruit and nut crops. However, Floral and Nursery Crops, the largest commodity grown in our County, is down some 8.5%. Succession is a concern – particularly on coastal farms where 72% of the owners/operators are over the age of 55.


You can read the 2022 Crop Report here.


Updates to the Housing Element: At our August 1 meeting, Planning and Building Department updated the Board on amendments to our 2023-2031 Housing Element. The Housing Element is a required component of the County’s General Plan and State law requires all local jurisdictions to update their Housing Element on a schedule established by the State. The County submitted its draft Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on January 20, 2023 and we received their comments on April 20, 2023. In short, we have hired a consultant to comprehensively reassess and revise the Sites Inventory and the Rezoning Program as suggested by HCD. We will look for ways to fulfill the goal of accommodating 2,833 new units of housing over the next eight years. 


Stakeholders comments to the revisions of the Housing Element included: rezone throughout the County, not just in North Fair Oaks; protect tenants from displacement by implementing stronger tenant protections, particularly just cause for eviction protections; plan for the specific housing needs of those in protected classes, including people with disabilities, the homeless, extremely low-income households, and farmworkers; and provide new subsidy for affordable homes. The Board will consider revisions to the Housing Element in October.

New Health Officer Begins Her Work: Dr. Kismet Baldwin-Santana has officially begun her work as our San Mateo County Health Officer. And in her first interview, Dr. Baldwin-Santana noted her priorities of addressing the opioid epidemic, improving disaster preparedness and expanding health equity. Dr. Baldwin-Santana is the first woman to hold this role in the County – and she succeeds Dr. Scott Morrow who retired after 31 years of service. Most recently the interim health officer in Sonoma County, Dr. Baldwin-Santana has been a deputy health officer in Sonoma County, a health officer in San Joaquin County, and a quarantine medical officer for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Welcome to San Mateo County Dr. Baldwin-Santana!


You can read more about our new Health Officer here

Want to learn more about the inner workings of government, build relationships and identify different ways to engage with the County? Consider applying for the San Mateo County Fall 2023 Civics 101 Academy, a free, nine-week program that will meet Wednesday evenings from August 30 – October 25 at the County Government Center in Redwood City. I encourage you to apply!


Youth Climate Ambassador program is calling on all 9-12th grade students in San Mateo County to sharpen their leadership skills by becoming a Youth Climate Ambassador. During this eight-month long program, students will attend monthly workshops that cover a variety of climate change-related topics while also developing and implementing a community or school impact project. Apply here by September 15th.


Shakespeare in the Park returns to Red Morton Park in Redwood City with a free, in-person outdoor theater performances of Shakespeare’s delightful romantic comedy, Much Ado About Nothing. San Francisco Shakespeare Festival brings this production for 3 weekends, from August 12th through August 27th, and offers 6:00 pm shows on both Saturdays and Sundays. 


The California Department of Aging asks residents age 55 and older to take the first-ever statewide needs assessment for older adults. Participation will “shape communities that are inclusive, supportive, and responsive to your evolving needs.” The survey is available in multiple languages and closes on August 28.


The North Fair Oaks Community Council is recruiting for three members: a full voting member, a Youth member and one alternate Youth member. It’s a great way to become more involved in your community – consider applying here.


And if you do not live or work in North Fair Oaks, there are other County Boards and Commissions that have vacancies and could use your experience and expertise to help in County initiatives and efforts. For more information or to apply – click here.

If you want to get more insight into what my staff and I are working on, please connect with us on social media. It’s also a great way to interact with our office and to get notifications for upcoming events. Click the icons and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. 

Finally, if you would like to see back issues of this newsletter, they can be found on my website here. They certainly reflect the long way we have come!

Warren Slocum

District 4 Supervisor

San Mateo County

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