We can have birthdays but not get older, right?
Hi Mama!

Well, we have decided that we may celebrate another year but we are NOT aging. Yep, you read that right -- we'll stay just where we are thank you very much!

Although this might not 'actually' be our reality, most days we certainly don't feel our actual age. One thing comes with age though - knowledge and experience. We are so thankful for what we have learned so far (both good and bad) because these things have not only made us who we are today, but have given us a deeper appreciation for life.

So as we BOTH celebrate birthdays this week, and eat WAY too much cake, we are looking forward to another exciting year ahead! Cheers!!

Sarah & Samantha
Sarah's FAVORITE things this week:

Favorite birthday gift: mini family trips! Just being with my two favorite people in the world brings me joy!

DEVOTIONAL - Joyce Meyer - The confident woman devotional
Lancaster Cupcake totally hits the spot because I can still get a yummy sweet treat even with my food sensitivies - their strawberry champagne GF + vegan cupcakes are the BEST! Check out their website HERE! If you're located in Central PA - definitely check them out
Samantha's FAVORITE things this week:

Favorite birthday gift ever received:
Actually ANYTHING homemade from my girls are my favorites. I still have the trinkets and handmade items they made me even as toddlers. My teenager wrote me a poem last year too. It was the BEST!

As far as non-homemade gifts go, I'd say my Peloton bike. I use that thing ALL the time - the 90's pop and country rides are my FAVE!

ICE CREAM: Since I have food allergies and can only eat gluten + dairy free, Jeni's HIT THE SPOT!! Check out their website HERE! (and yes, it actually tastes just as good as the photos look!) This Cold Brew with Coconut Cream is my absolute favorite - of course it has coffee!
When you have a great opportunity, you want to jump on it, right? Well, that's what an IRA (Individual Retirement Account) is. Make sure you maximize potential tax benefits and don't miss out on a great opportunity.

You still have time. The deadline for 2021 IRA contributions is April 15, 2022.

If you have already contributed to an IRA for 2021, great! Let's schedule time to ensure your annual investment benefits have been maximized.

If you haven't contributed for 2021, we can help - let's talk and make sure you don't miss the deadline.

If you don't have an IRA yet, we can walk you through the process and get you started. It's EASY!

Contributing to an IRA is a powerful money move. Take advantage of this opportunity before the deadline!
Don't we all want a little more balance in our lives? That was the HOT topic this week with our guest speaker, Tammy Vasbinder - owner of Vast Strategies.

As a fellow mompreneur, Tammy shared some valuable tips on how to find that balance between career, mom life and me time (hello ladies - self care IS important!)

In case you missed it on Wednesday, check out the replay HERE!

To chat with Tammy more, you can reach her here:
Get to know Tammy:

After working in business strategy for nearly 20 years, Tammy knew there had to be a better way to further help the businesses she serves. A natural connector, she developed Vast Strategies by bringing together industry-leading creatives and innovative marketing professionals.

At Vast Strategies, there is nothing more important to Tammy than the relationships she builds with her clients and the results they deliver.

Her experience spans twenty two years and includes sales and buyer positions in retail, print and radio. During her career in radio, she was featured in a national magazine called “Radio Ink” as one of the Top 10 Radio Reps in the country.

When she's not cultivating detailed marketing strategies, you can often find her teaching her sons how to be excellent humans or on the softball field and basketball courts.