It's been an entire year of COVID-19
Today marks a year since the state and local COVID shutdowns began - and what a year it's been! Since launching our COVID-19 emergency response on March 12, 2020, Loudoun Hunger Relief has:

  • Increased our food distribution from serving an average of 250 families/week pre-COVID to an average of 850-900 families/week. In 2021, we are averaging 917/week.

  • Distributed more than 2.6 million pounds of food, a 150% increase over 2019

  • Created new partnerships and expanded food distribution across the County, increasing our service instances 522% from 68,000 to 355,000.

  • Identified new food sources and maintained our commitment to providing nutritious fresh food - always having milk, eggs, meat and produce to give to families.

  • Increased work and storage capacity by purchasing forklifts, a new refrigerated box truck and van as well as other needed equipment to move food quickly and efficiently. We've also rented a 53" refrigerated trailer for cold storage and are utilizing additional offsite warehouse space.

  • Purchased a large amount of food to augment what is being donated. Our food purchasing budget catapulted from around $70,000 in 2019 to around $1,000,000 in 2020. 

What's Next?

As we mark this day, we are also looking forward with great hope. We are encouraged by gradual reopening, and the anticipation of widespread vaccinations. We are planning for the future with the experiences of the past year to guide us. We also know that some of the first people to lose employment were our lower income, hourly wage neighbors and they will be some of the last to regain it. We stand ready to serve at this level for the next eighteen months or more, especially with your continued support.

You can help us today, as you have for the last year, by making a gift. We ask you to help us fund one month of food purchasing through GiveChoose, Loudoun's online giving effort. Your dollars can go further through matching gifts provided by other donors, and to help us win prize money. Now through March 15, the portal is open for early giving. Next Tuesday, March 16, is the official 24 hours of giving, with nearly hourly prizes. Whether you choose to make an early gift today or give on the 16th, we appreciate your help more than you can know.
Cereal Drive: Hanley Energy with partnership from our friends at Merritt Properties, Sterling Restaurant Supply, and Technoguard, Inc. is hosting a breakfast cereal drive. The drive runs now to March 16. All the details for cereal drop off locations are at this link.
We'll be celebrating the results of this drive on March 17th.

Luck should have nothing to do with having enough to eat. The month of March brings the promise of spring, the greening of the earth, and a a hope for better luck and better times.

However you can support us this month, we appreciate you and we are lucky to have you as partners in this work!
Loudoun Hunger Relief |