October 24-28 is Canadian Patient Safety Week!

In this newsletter:

  • Learn about HFHT's Patient and Provider Safety Committee.
  • Get connected to some resources to improve patient and provider safety in your team and register for an upcoming virtual education session on Infection Prevention and Control in Primary Care!

Learn about HFHT's Patient and Provider Safety Committee

Our purpose:

  • To ensure clinics affiliated with HFHT have access to the proper tools and resources to adhere to Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act regarding infection, prevention, and control (IPAC).
  • To create and/or approve standardized policies and procedures to be shared with HFHT clinics.
  • To promote a culture of safety in the workplace for patients and staff/providers. 

Our resources:

Upcoming event:

  • Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) in Primary Care virtual education session

           Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m.

          View the agenda and register now!

What we heard from you:

  • Based on polls we ran in the October Briefing Note, we learned that:
  • Burnout and patient behaviour/escalation/verbal abuse are major safety concerns
  • Many of you are interested in de-escalation training.
  • We are using this information to prepare resources for you!

A resource to help make safety conversations a normal part of your workday

This year's theme for Canadian Patient Safety Week is press play on safety conversations. 

Evidence confirms that organizations with a positive safety culture have less harm and that safety conversations contribute to positive safety culture.

Learn how to have safety conversations with your colleagues and patients to improve care!

If you have any questions about our committee, our resources, or our upcoming IPAC in Primary Care virtual education session, please

email Francine.Williams@HamiltonFHT.ca.

Sincerely, HFHT's Patient and Provider Safety Committee (click photo to enlarge):

Absent from photo: Michele MacDonald-Werstuck and Jaclyn Adler

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