It's Census Day!
What is the Census? Why is it Important?
Every 10 years, the US Census counts every person living in the United States. This count determines the distribution of federal funds to states and local communities as well as communities’ representation in the US Congress and state and local government.
How will the 2020 Census Work?
The US Census Bureau has sent every very household a postcard by mail instructing them to fill out the US Census online. Households will later receive several mailings asking them to respond online or by mail. Then, beginning in May, Census Bureau staff will visit households that have not yet responded to collect responses in person.
How Do I Fill Out the Census Online?
If you received a postcard , you will on it find a 12-digit Census ID. Go to and type in your code to get started. If you did not receive a postcard (or can't find yours) , go to and begin by typing in your address.
Need Internet?
Free WiFi is available in the library parking lot during our closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please stay in your vehicle for social distancing.
You Can Also Complete the Census by Phone!
Phone lines are open every day from 6am to 1am Central Time and have operators who speak the following languages:
Library staff wish we could be here to answer your questions about the Census in person. In our absence, please refer to this Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Census 2020 website.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns about library services in general during our closure, please feel free to email me at the address below.
Wishing you safety and wellness,
Jennifer Cottrill, Library Director
Midlothian Public Library
14701 S. Kenton Avenue
Midlothian, IL 60445