Tomorrow is Communion Sunday! We'll have safe self-served Communion in person at Church, or get some juice and bread ready for online Worship in your home.
Tomorrow, March 7th, 2021, we're hosting two services indoors - Traditional at 8:45 in the Sanctuary, Contemporary at 10:00 in Fellowship Hall, or on-demand from your home. Pastor Paul is continuing the new Lenten sermon series called Puzzled: During the season of Lent, we are going to be taking a look at the book of Hebrews. If you look at Hebrews closely, you discover that it reads more like a sermon than an actual letter or book. Hebrews shows us how all the promises of God in the Old Testament find fulfillment in Jesus. Piece by piece, the “preacher” in Hebrews puts the story together, just as you put together a jigsaw puzzle. Join us this season of Lent as we see how all the pieces fit together and find completion in Jesus Christ.
We have two options for worship this week. Paul is preaching the same sermon online and in the in-person, so you can have great teaching with either option.
RSVPs are still required for the Indoor In-Person Services here.
Paul is preaching the same sermon tomorrow morning that he recorded earlier this week. There are traditional and Contemporary options live in-person safely distanced indoors, and on-demand online.
This week's sermon is titled, "Rest" and we're looking at Hebrews 4:1-11 . We're talking about God's plan for us to rest, or Sabbath.
Ms. Susie also has a great lesson for the kids! You can download the lesson here to learn about the rest and nap time! Plus, there's great music and a super fun craft.
Ms. Ann has a wonderful lesson for our littlest ones. See the lesson video, a fun song, and a craft for our Preschoolers here
We have Growth Group questions that go along with each sermon. You can download them here, and go through them with a group, your family, or by yourself.
It's a great way to go deeper into the Word.
There are three options for watching the services online:
We post the video on our website at 6:30am on Sunday morning. Watch it on your timetable, and chapters let you find segments easily. Go to
The video will also be posted directly on the Vimeo channel at 6:30am. If you've had trouble viewing the service, this is the most reliable. Go to
We are also Premiering both Worship services on Facebook at 8:40. This option has the most social interaction. Go here if you want to say 'hi'.
Prayers and Praise
Your prayer support is especially important in this time of COVID. As you come before the Lord in intercession for others, we ask that you particularly take note of, and pray for, those who are sick, those who have recently lost loved ones, those who are lonely, those unable to travel to visit their family. Pray as well for those who are unemployed due to the virus, and for those who have had their workplace hours rolled back or their businesses shut-down. May we also keep on our hearts and minds the first-responders, hospital and essential workers, law enforcement and military personnel, all of whom remain vigilant and at risk in these difficult times. We praise God that potent vaccines are being developed and we pray that they come online for America and the entire world in the near future. May the God who is able be with all of us!
Healing and Comfort: Geri C. & Joseph, Sarah P., Madeleine S., Erica M., Kim S., William & Kerry S., Bob F., Tom B., Hardy, Harrison, Henry, and Hudson, Ryan M., Denise, William, Young William and his siblings, Kathy W., Amy S., and Darlene S. Guidance and Peace: Strength, Protection, and Encouragement: Protect our Church’s Elderly from falls and afflictions, Jaime A., Lowell & the Smith family, The Pearson Family, The Lohrmann Family, The Foushee Family, Edna and the Patrick Family, and Chanel Praise and Gratitude: For answered prayers