As part of our work, we help our clients to strategically “tell their story.”

It’s not uncommon for nonprofit staff to sometimes be so wrapped up in the day-to-day demands of their work that they forget their organization is doing important, life-changing work—and how important it is to share that life-changing work with donors.

As an example, one of our consultants does pro-bono work for a nonprofit serving the poorest of poor in a developing country.  When trying to draw out what was exciting and impactful in the nonprofits’ work during this time of COVID, the answers were the same: “not much” … “same challenges as always” … “nothing’s really new.”  These were hardly the sentiments to inspire donors.

And then, as a passing thought, the founder of the organization mentioned, “we did start a new night school in the village that is attracting 200 people a night.”

BINGO!  This is a story we have to share with donors—because they will respond!

James Gadsby Peet, the Director of Digital at a United Kingdom-based branding firm, explains: “Telling a compelling story is a good way to engage with donors and show them how their support can make a real-life impact. By telling real life stories … [a nonprofit] is showing existing and potential donors what impact they can have.”

Now more than ever—especially in the COVID environment where the world seems topsy-turvy—donors want to know where their dollars are going and how their investment is changing lives.

Donors made their first gift to your organization because they liked what you were doing. Something they heard about your work resonated with them.  That donor believed in your mission.

So tell donors how you are changing lives.
Tell them what’s new in how you serve.
Tell them how you are fulfilling your mission.
Tell them your story.  

Focus on Mission. Engage Your Donors. Move Forward Boldly.