PayPal and Venmo get in the Crypto Game
Fintech giant PayPal plans to roll out direct sales of cryptocurrency to its 325 million users.
Over 300 million people will soon have the opportunity to purchase Bitcoin through their PayPal or Venmo accounts ( story ).
Why does this matter?
The availability of digital assets through mainstream financial services apps could fuel a retail boom of awareness, interest, and investment in this emerging class as a whole.
The broader digital asset market (including art, games, and collectibles) will likely benefit as well.
More importantly, it's the strongest signal to-date of the growing demand in the broader market.
Getting in before everyone else
Crypto Futura Fund offers investors the opportunity to obtain exposure as part of a diversified

Download the Investor Overview Presentation below and/or reach out to Jeremy or Clint with questions.

Have a good weekend.

Co-Chief Investment Officer, Crypto Futura Fund
Click here for the Crypto Futura Fund Investor Overview