August 25, 2015
What's New
Reporters at  The Huffington Post and The Daily Beast share the highlights of our exclusive call with women who have run for president - and the context their experiences provide for 2016. CAWP director Debbie Walsh and BLFF Executive Director Adrienne Kimmell led a discussion with Ambassador and former Senator Carol Moseley Braun (D-IL) and f ormer Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder (D-CO), who sought the Democratic nomination in 2004 and 1988 respectively. Their observations were echoed by two other expert observers: Kathleen Harrington, deputy campaign manager for Labor Secretary Elizabeth Dole's race for the Republican nomination in 2000, and Leslie Sanchez, a Republican strategist and author of You've Come a Long Way, Maybe: Michelle, Sarah, Hillary and the Shaping of the New American Woman.

Read more about the call highlights in our press release or click here to listen to the recording.
Expert Analysis
Denouncing Trump is the Easy Part - Elevating Gender Dialogue is Harder to Do
In her latest post, PGW Expert Dr. Kelly Dittmar reflects upon the media attention to Trump's sexism and offers suggestions for conversations we should be having next to elevate the gender dialogue in the race. Read more here .   
Don't forget to check out our latest installment of
On the Bias, where we talk about masculine norms, the gender dynamics of vice presidential discussions, and how some candidates seem to miss the point on gender.   
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Facts & Figures

Don't miss the latest facts and figures at Presidential Gender Watch. Here are some recent highlights:
Did you know that hair color can shape whether or not candidates are taken seriously? In a recent column for The Daily Beast, Samantha Allen references polls conducted by Clairol that find a political bias for brunettes among women and academic research indicating that deficit for blondes may also apply to men.   

In the first full week of polling after the Republican debate, Gallup found little movement in Donald Trump's favorability among GOP women, reporting that his favorability among women remains consistent with other GOP candidates.

Carly Fiorina's supporters are criticizing CNN's methodology for candidate admission to the second GOP debate, arguing that including polls prior to the first debate misses current candidate momentum, and fearing that the CNN algorithm will leave Fiorina off the stage.
Bloomberg Politics compiled this timeline demonstrating "Hillary Clinton's Debt to Feminism," tracing Clinton's coming of age in American politics with advancements in the modern feminist movement. 
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