Hope Family, 

These past 6 months living with the Corona virus has perhaps sent us spiraling in ways that we did not expect and have struggled to manage.  We have had to adjust and reimagine how to do life again with new rhythms and routines.  We can easily find ourselves anxious, lonely, distracted, grieving, cynical and isolated. I felt lead to address some of these topics directly and with scripture so that we can learn better together how to keep from falling into deep holes during this time! The new sermon series begins this Sunday at our outdoor service called SHIFT…asking God to help shift our hearts and minds toward Him. 

I will also be leading a Gather Group called SHIFT that will be an extended discussion of the sermon text and topic. John will be leading NAVIGATE, a Gather Group for parents of students. Learn about the kind of relationship you can establish with your student starting now, no matter how old/young they are. Let's navigate parenting together! Please register soon as there will only be 14 spots available!  
I also want to strongly encourage you to watch the Netflix movie 13th.  It is part of our ongoing learning and growing together around the topics of justice and racism.  Our discussion will be lead via ZOOM by Todd Culp on Wednesday Sept. 23 @7pm.  You don’t want to miss it!  Stay tuned for the zoom link coming soon.

If you don't have a Netflix account, you can sign up for a free 30 day trial.  Here is the link to the trailer:  https://youtu.be/K6IXQbXPO3I 

Looking forward to seeing you all again this week at our outdoor service @ 10am! 

If you can't join us live, click here to connect virtually!
Who is willing to show more love to Lundahl? 

There is currently a great need for “Sensory and Emotional Regulation Tool Kits.” These kits are for students learning remotely in need of special "tools" to help them learn effectively. District 47 as a whole is in need of over 200 of these kits, and the Crystal Lake churches are working together to meet the need. We are asking for Hope Church to provide at least 15 of these kits for Lundahl Middle School. 

So how can you help?

  1. Put together a kit with several of the items on the list below & drop it off at church.
  2. Buy a few of the items and drop them off at church for our team to put together into a kit.
  3. Donate money to benevolence and our team will buy the items to put into kits.

Kits and/or items are needed at Hope Church by Sunday, September 20th in order to get them in the hands of the students who need them.

Also...We are looking to expand our team for this outreach ministry!  

If you love reaching out to the community and are interested in being a part of the
Love Lundahl Team, please contact Kate Norten at [email protected]
A Note to Hope Kids Parents & kids!

We’ve been missing being connected with with each other and with our fellow Hope Kid families! Since Amanda Neihring, our awesome Hope Kids director is on furlough for an indefinite time, a few of us parents have decided to help out for the time being.

This Sunday when you come to the outdoor service, stop and pick up a bag for your child/children! Inside will be some fun items as well as some items to encourage their spiritual walk with Jesus. If you have more than one child in your family, there will only be one prayer journal. If you can’t make it this Sunday, that’s ok, we’ll have them available each week.

We are in the process of setting up zoom meetings for the kids as well, so stay on the look out! 

And, if we are able we’ll try to do some quick kids’ activities with the families after our Sunday services!!

If you would like to help in any way, let us know! Hope to see you all Sunday!

Jenny Winn & the Hope Kids "team"

Amy Caspari [email protected]
Jenny Winn   [email protected]
Steve Stumpf [email protected]