A voice for your growing business!
"The value of an idea lies in the using of it."
~ Thomas Edison
Berthoud Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to keeping Berthoud strong and vibrant!
We are getting Snow Excited
2019 Berthoud Snowfest - Home of Colorado State Snow Sculpting Championship
Oktoberfest 2019
Thank You to our Sponsors and Volunteers!
We would like to shout out to all of our sponsors and volunteers that helped us make Oktoberfest happen. This year was bigger than ever and we could not have done it with out your help. We want to thank Ben Price with AdSortium Media for being our resident photographer for all of our events.
Sandler Training Lunch 'N Learns
Next up - Topic : Creating a Prospecting Plan
November 12, 11:45 am - 1:15 pm - Berthoud Library
Sandler Training and the Berthoud Area Chamber of Commerce bring to you top of the line sales training that gives you valuable tools for your business. The 2019 schedule is every other month. You can find the next Sandler Training and other events on our calendar.
Event Calendar
These are open to the public, but we ask you to please register. There is a $5 registration fee for this workshop.
Join us as Christopher Smith,
Compustar Technology Services
, LLC, gives you valuable information concerning everyday Tech issues in our TECH TALK Workshops.
Next up - VPNs - What they are, etc.
December 10,
11:45 am - 1:15 pm - Berthoud Library
Become a wizard at working with your computer. VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) are showing up on TV, online and radio advertisements lately, but what are VPNs? How do they work, how can you use them and how do they protect your online activities?
There is a $5 registration fee for this workshop.
Larimer Small Business Development Center
We have begun to work more closely with
Larimer SBDC
. The business help and resources are endless. From workshops and networking to free consultations and guidance for marketing. Everything you need to start a business or grow your business. Here is a preview of some of the workshops that are available. You can find more information at
These are open to the general public. You do not need to be a chamber member to take advantage of these services and resources.
Download the Berthoud Chamber app to find businesses and events in Berthoud.
Downloaded the FREE Berthoud App, search
Berthoud Chamber of Commerce
on iPhone and
on Android. As a Chamber member, you have a free directory listing and
unlimited event basic listings
. If you have an event that is
Berthoud, you can send us the information and we will get that on the app for you. Send the title of your event, the date and time to
For as little as $10/month, you can get an extended listing with more information.
If you have any questions, call the Chamber Office - 970 532 4200
Loveland & South Lifestyle
October 15, 2019
Congratulations to
Kristi Montgomery Dressler
Loveland & South Lifestyle
on their ribbon cutting at Scripted Bar & Kitchen (inside the Metroplux Theater) in Loveland. It was a triple ribbon cutting with the Loveland Chamber as well as the Johnstown Chamber.
Lifestyle's mission is to bring communities together by sharing local stories that appeal to readers. The goal is for readers to ''run into'' someone they know in nearly every issue. Inspired by community, Loveland & South Lifestyle is an upscale monthly publication created exclusively for and about the residents of Loveland, Berthoud and Johnstown Colorado.
If you would like to be a supporter of this magazine with an ad or know of someone that would be great for a story, please contact Kristi Dressler at kristi.dressler@lifestylepubs.com.
We want to thank our members that joined this triple ribbon cutting to support Kristi and network with lots of interesting chamber members. Thank you, Kristi, for being a part of the Berthoud Area Chamber of Commerce.
Loveland & South Lifestyle
The Tallent Company
October 11, 2019
Congratulations to
Amy Tallent
The Tallent Company
on their ribbon cutting. The Tallent Company has helped multiple organizations increase their membership, fundraising and most importantly their purpose! Under their communication services for organizations, they also have an administrative approach. They can physically act as your organization’s executive director. They invite you to visit their case studies to learn more about the work they have done in this sector.
They have an incredible passion for helping businesses not only succeed but create boundless prosperity! If you are a business professional that knows what you need to do but doesn’t have the time or staff to allocate, Tallent Co. can help!
If you are an organization that wants to grow but isn’t sure how, partner with Tallent Co. and use their knowledge and resources to not only create goals but achieve them!
Tallent Co. only takes on a limited number of clients for these services at a time so that they can focus and provide the best service to their clients. If you are interested in these services, please email info@tallentco.com. You can also give them a call at (720) 460-1826. The Tallent Company is located at 39 S. Parish Ave in Johnstown.
The Tallent Company
Double Ribbon Cutting
Senior Living Advisors of Colorado & THRIVE Loveland
October 8, 2019
In-Home Care, 55+ Active Living, Independent Living, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Respite Care
Other Helpful Senior Resources
It's as Easy as 1.2..3...4!
They meet with you by phone or in person to:
1. Discuss your needs, desires and budget.
2. Determine which resources are a potential fit for you.
3. Decide what resources you would like to check out firsthand.
4. Define a simple plan for moving forward.
You can reach Danita and Mark Nixon by calling (970) 541-4592 or emailing them at Danita@slacolo.com.
THRIVE Loveland
is a publication that was was created to serve older adults (50+) in Loveland, Berthoud, and Estes Park. Their mission is to educate and create connections through this monthly print magazine. You can also connect with Danita or Mark If you'd like to be a sponsor or you know of someone they should feature in this publication.
Knapp Productions
October 5, 2019
Congratulations to Tracy Knapp with
Knapp Productions
on his ribbon cutting during our Oktoberfest Celebration event. We've never done a ribbon cutting at one of our community events, but since we rented our stage from Knapp Productions, we felt this would be a great time.
Knapp Productions is a full service production company, Mobile stage, platform, decks, sound systems, Retro (80's tribute band) VJ Trzeb Entertainment booking, and event organization.
We recommend you give Tracy a call at (970) 580-5223 or email him at tracy@knappproductions.com. Be sure to check out his Facebook page to see where he'll be next.
Knapp Productions
A Little Help
September 26, 2019
A Little Help is a nonprofit organization that connects neighbors across ages to enhance lives and strengthen our communities. They provide volunteers to help seniors in Berthoud stay in their homes by providing services like: snow shoveling, yard/housework, transportation, companionship, dog walking, technology and more.
For anyone who wishes to sign-up as a volunteer or someone who needs their services, please visit their website at:
You can also contact Steve Court at (970) 412-9396 or email him at steve@alittlehelp.org if you have any questions.
They are looking for people to serve as well as volunteers. Help spread this news.
We want to thank our members who came to help celebrate with Steve and
A Little Help.
G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice
September 21, 2019
Congratulations to
Global Justice
on their Ribbon Cutting and 5th Anniversary Celebration at Grace Place.
Sosamma Samuel-Burnett
, the board and volunteers did an amazing job of putting together talent that in some way had meaning with global justice. It was also the launch of the Global Market that will be at Grace Place.
For more information about G.L.O.B.A.L. Justice, please contact Sosamma Samuel-Burnett, sosamma@globaljusticeonline.org
G.L.O.B.A.L Justice
Upcoming Event: Woven Together
- Come meet one of their GLBL MRKT partners, Top of the Lake Coffee, and some of the wonderful Guatemalan women they help support. The event runs from 12 PM to 1:30 PM on Sunday, November 3, at Grace Place Church in Berthoud.
"All decked out in our Member Gala - Greased Lighting attire."
President - Debbie Schleiger
Past President - Amie Pilla
Vice President - Bill Daley
(Not Pictured)
Secretary - Katie Takacs
Treasurer - Connie Murray
Director - Kathy Burcham
Director - Virginia Huppe
Individual Member
Director - Rick Moehling
Director - Pete Tomassi
Ex-Officio - Walt Elish
Ex-Officio - Thomas Texeira
Ex-Officio - Deanne Mulvihill
September - Larry Leach
Main Street Care Care & Quick Lube
Larry Leach
has been voted September’s Ambassador of the month by his peers. Larry is our quiet Rock Star. Not only does he store a lot of the Chamber's event materials in his shop, but he brings it to and from the events. He also volunteers at all of our events. You can find him at Hale & Bradford having a drink or dancing with his wife Cindy. Thank you Larry for your kindness and humor and help. We at the Chamber appreciate you.
Cindy Leach,
Head of Ambassadors
John Beck
Individual Member
Bill Breunig
Individual Member
Kristin Brown
Beth Buman
Jeff Butler
Mary Doty
Jason Filler
Jan Grack
Ken Grack
Larry Leach
Ken Schwols
Wanda Zimmerman
If you are
and want to know more about what that entails.
Check out the details.
September - Northern Water
Congratulations to
Northern Water
for being voted business of the month for September. They are involved in so many interesting and important water projects in Colorado. The Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District and its Municipal Sub-district provide water to Northeastern Colorado from the Colorado-Big Thompson and Windy Gap projects.
Many factors play into how much water people use in a day, including where they live and their lifestyle. As the population continues to grow we know water shortages can occur anywhere, which is why we all must be smarter about how we use water. Taking care of this precious natural resource and practicing efficiency in daily life should be a priority for everyone.
Northern Water views water efficiency as an integral part of our management strategy, long-range planning is to encourage good stewards of our water resources. Which is why they are invested in providing
water efficiency information and education to the public
, green industry professionals, municipalities and Northern Water allottees. They want to ensure we do more with less water and can secure this resource for future generations.
If you have not been to their facilities, you will want to go. You are welcome to go anytime to visit the gardens on the west side of their property, have a picnic, read a book, or just stroll around with your friends and family. They are happy to set up tours as well.
Northern Water
Help us in Welcoming our Newest Members!
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Thursday Oct 24, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Tuesday Nov 5, 2019
Tuesday Nov 5, 2019
Thursday Nov 7, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Thursday Nov 14, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Wednesday Nov 20, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Contant Contact Member Discount
Chamber members get a
25% discount
with Constant Contact. This is such a valuable asset to have. There are free webinars and classes all the time to help you get started if you have never used it before. Click below to see details.
Make your presence online more complete and visible to get more connections.
Take full advantage of the "Enhanced" feature on Chamber Master? This is a FREE addition that we now are offering to all of our members! You don't want to miss out on this class. GOOGLE LOVES THE CHAMBER! This features raises your Google ratings.
Deanne will be teaching how to make your business page more visible. Bring a lunch and a laptop or tablet. Did you know you can increase your page placement in Google? Come see how.
Get your brand in front of
New Home Owners & New Chamber Members
We give out between 5-15 welcome bags a month. As a member of the BACC, you have the opportunity to have your "swag" put in these welcome bags we give to our new members at ribbon cuttings and to the new homeowners in Berthoud. With our growing community we are giving away a lot more of these bags.
If you would like to add your promotional items...please drop it off at the chamber office so we can add them to our bags. Thank you!
Thank You to our
Diamond and Platinum Sponsors!
Berthoud Area Chamber of Commerce | 970-532-4200
bcc@berthoudcolorado.com | berthoudcolorado.com