Spring is On Its Way!
With Spring coming, it's always a quick transition into end-of-year projects and exams. If your child has been struggling in any of their classes this semester, it's not too late to make a difference with support in study skills, project management, and organization. Tutors can help with academic subjects, but also with helping your child gain a stronger understanding of how the subject matter will progress over the course of the semester. Tutors can help prepare study guides and materials to ease the stress of the end of the year.
Here are some resources:
4 Study Guide Alternatives that Engage Students and Deepen Learning
Teaching Students to Use Evidence-Based Studying Strategies
The Purpose of Study Guides is to Organize
Call us today to learn more about how we can support your child!
We will continue to be available in home, in libraries, and online. All of our tutoring is customized, and we also have tutors with Special Education backgrounds and certifications; all of our tutors are experienced in implementing IEP/504 modifications.