Problem Gambling During the
COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond
The COVID-19 outbreak has been stressful for everyone. People with an active gambling addiction, or who are in recovery, may find this period even more challenging because of the effects of prolonged isolation, boredom, economic instability, and fear. Add to this reality the fact that individuals who once turned to in-person gambling locales, cannot safely frequent casinos, or the race track, or other in-person gambling venues at this time, causing surges in anxiety and depression, and potentially increases in other forms of illegal gambling, including online activities.

Read the full article from Wheeler.
Tuesday, March 9th is Problem Gambling Disorder Screening Day!

Here are 6 reasons to screen for gambling disorder:
  1. Gambling Disorder leads to financial, emotional, social, occupational, and physical harms.
  2. Gambling Disorder affects about 1% of the general population, and subclinical past year gambling-related problems affect 2 – 3% of the general population.
  3. As much as 10% of primary care patients report lifetime Gambling Disorder, and an additional 5% report lifetime subclinical problems.
  4. People with gambling-related problems are more likely to smoke, consume excessive amounts of caffeine, have more emergency department visits, and be obese.
  5. Although nearly 50% of people who have gambling problems are in treatment for “something,” national studies have failed to identify anyone who currently reports being in treatment specifically for gambling-related problems.
  6. Many cases of Gambling Disorder go undetected, due to limited assessment for this problem.

Take an online screening now. This does not replace a diagnosis from a mental health professional.
It's National Social Work Month!
Social Worker Self Care

Self-care is an essential skill for ethical and effective social work practice. Here are a variety of self-care resources and articles from The New Social Worker.

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Impact of Covid-19 on Social Determinants of Health, Health Equity, and Resource Access
Friday, March 5, 9:30 to 11:00

Presented by Billy Bromage, MSW, Director of Community Organizing at the Yale Program for Recovery and Community Health, this discussion will address some of the ways COVID-19 has exposed and exacerbated health equity issues that people were already facing before the crisis and will address what social workers have done, and can do, to connect people to resources. The focus will be on community partnerships, providing examples of how resources were identified, prioritized, and communicated among staff and those accessing services in a mental health clinic in New Haven. The process will be described in depth to both generate discussion and encourage the sharing of knowledge so participants might develop similar resource banks at their organizations. The session will be contextualized within the larger frameworks of health equity and social justice. 1.5 CECs.
Save During Social Work Month 2021

Save 25% on all social work titles with code SW21 during Social Work Month 2021. Now thru March 31...

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Legislative Issues
Signs point toward legalization of sports wagering, iGaming

As Connecticut lawmakers prepare to consider Gov. Ned LaMont's latest budget bill, gaming stakeholders say this could be the first concrete step toward legalizing sports betting and multiple forms of iGaming in the state. Tribal interests and the ...

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State Bills to Watch Related to Gambling and Gaming

CT SB00146: An Act Authorizing Sports Wagering, Online Casino Gaming, Online Lottery And Online Keno.

CT HB06451: An Act Concerning Gaming Agreements With The Mashantucket Pequot Tribe And The Mohegan Tribe Of Indians Of Connecticut.

CT HB06460: An Act Requiring A Study Of The Impact Of Extending Alcoholic Liquor Service Hours At Gaming And Other Establishments.

CT HB06512: An Act Concerning Consumer Protections For Sports Wagering.

CT SB00573: An Act Repealing The Prohibition Against Accepting Advanced Deposit Wagers.

Here is a template to help you write
your testimony.
In the News
Online Gambling, Gaming Addiction Increased During Pandemic

Experts say online gaming and gambling addictions are on the rise during the COVID-19 lockdowns. They say the social isolation combined with stress and perhaps monetary concerns are some factors why. Experts say these "process addictions" are...

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Gambling addiction: Silent struggle for Asian Americans

Hoang is one of three Vietnamese gambling addiction certified providers in the state and the only one based in Orange County, which is home to approximately 200,000 Vietnamese Americans, according to the 2010 Census. He said that in Orange...

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC